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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

33 Days passed + Account Deletion


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Hey people,

Today I passed 33 days without gaming. I  track my days with Coach.me.

This also means that my requests for account deletion have gone through. It feels kind of weird to celebrate that, but it really has been a heavy step.

My Steam Account probably was worth several thousands of dollars as well as my Blizzard Account (german only sorry). I don't even want to know exactly what I have invested in those platforms.. It freaks me out. This was a really extreme but necessary move. Even if I wanted I would not have the motivation to start from 0 again.

At the moment I don't have any cravings for gaming and having stopped gaming completely really helps me focus on studying for my upcoming exams.

Stay strong guys and win the day! Day by day!



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It's tough to move on sometimes, especially after you've invested so much. Cam has a great video about that here:

This is extremely relevant when it comes to quitting video games because a lot of people fear losing what they've invested so much money, and especially time and emotion into. However, it is necessary for us to let go of that attachment to move on to bigger and better things.

Cam has a LOT of great videos on his Youtube channel, I strongly recommend checking them out!

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