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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

official_g0dd's 90 Days to Freedom


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Well here I am, Day 2/90. Feeling good so far and not really craving video games at the moment. Biggest challenge now is to find new habits to replace the old ones. I sat down from work last night and turned on my computer and then realized I didn't really know what to do. 

I did lock myself out of my Steam account for now by using a random password generator and replacing my current password with that one, to insure I don't reset it I removed my phone number and changed the email to one that requires the same random password I generated. I then used FutureMe to send me two emails with the password, one in 90 days from now and another in 365. If I wanna keep going in 90 days I'm just going to delete that email and carry on. :)

Best of luck to everyone! We're all gonna make it on this journey.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 11/90 I've been really busy so lack of updates but still going strong and video game free, I've been able to be a lot more productive with the stuff I need to get done and I'm planning to start going to the gym on a regular basis very soon. I've found that unsubscribing from most gaming related content on Youtube and Reddit has helped a lot. I'll be back for more updates soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's going good! I'm awful at Daily Journals because I'm super busy right now but Day 27/90! Still going strong! Finally starting to utilize that extra free time for stuff I've been wanting to do but haven't had time for previously :)

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