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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Quitting Again


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I've accepted that I've had a relapse... I was game free for 8 months. As of late, I've played 12-16 hours a day for 6 months after a breakup. Keeping this journal so I don't fall down again.

Day 1 (Today)

Uninstalled all my online games, cravings are intense. Quit my hardcore raiding guild. Trying to sell my last MMO account. I have no desire to do much right now besides listening to music.


Edited by Death13
TMI! lol
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Hey and welcome to the forums. Seems like you have a good plan.

I had to cut my online connections to after I quit gaming. Some of them I see from time to time in real life but they just want to game and thats not me anymore. Maybe it is time for you to reach out to people. Invite them to some activities be proactive. Somehow we always expect the friends to do the work for the friendship but aren't willing to invest in them ourselves. I wouldn't be too sure they are out of the picture completely only because they focus on their relationsips right now. But this has some time. How was the time you quit gaming? Did you see the improvements in your life? What do you want from quitting gaming (besides better grades)? Writing it down can help you to keep the why in your mind whilst doing this detox. Without a good reason this will be nearly impossible.

I personally quit gaming to gain self-esteem(was at a ll time low), have a better relationsship with my girlfriend and friends and beeing able to finish my studies. I was a lying lazy piece of shit back then or at least felt like it. I wanted to be so much more and saw how my game addiction detoriated my envisioned self more and more. This kept me on track when I had hard cravings.

Best of luck to you. We got you back.

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Day 3

Found a new hobby, into mechanical mods (e-cigs). Learning Ohm's Law and battery safety. I may set my status to offline so people don't bug me to play games; I feel guilty saying "no" so much.

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20 minutes ago, Death13 said:

Day 5

Had a dream about games from my childhood. My cravings for online gaming have died out already.

Dreams about games are fairly normal, especially during this period of the detox. If you haven't seen this video, it can help. The key: do a gratitude journal before bed to set your mind in a good place. :)

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Welcome back after your relapse ♥ So glad to see you here and that you have a place to process your struggles. We are here for you to give ideas and support :3

I used to get freaked out by my dreams, had no idea Cam made a video on them! Super excited to watch it later. Mine I would wake up and be scared I had relapsed or that I was close to relapsing. But I accepted them, said thank you body for the reminder and the nice story, but I'm okay.

In relation to the social aspect I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU eeeh!! Real life connections are a-maze-ing! Do you have any plans on how you might achieve meeting new people or maintaining the relationships you make? Social hobbies are a great realm for this, education or learning a new task can encourage bonding as well as commitment more than just "oh I met this cool guy at a rave in LA and they were super excited to be friends but we never met up again".  I want you to have the tools to escape what can happen to us in this stage. We reach out to make friends -- then are faced with our first disappointment or rejection and we lose all hope. "Everyone is a flake" "I hate people" lol, okay, some people are flakey yeah but this is actually well within our control if we approach meeting new people correctly! And it takes practice to invite people to things when you're not used to it. It takes intention and energy and we are going to screw up. Be kind to yourself and let people surprise you.

Also; have you thought about a part time job? This helps a lot with self confidence, income to do fun things, social practice and more!

Edited by Laney
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Clubs are a great way to become socially (and professionally) involved. You'll make friends with alumni and fellow classmates who will help you in your journey and you them! I got involved on the elective board my 2nd year and that was great but not for everyone.:) What kind of club would you start?

Apply for jobs at the school, the printing lab, the bookstore, the food places, the library, etc. Many opportunities there and they work with your student schedule.

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Don't worry about repetition. We are all happy to read a daily update. As far as motivation goes I found out that is kind of impossible for me to get motivated by thinking myself inot it (be it fear or imagined glory). The only way I get motivated is ironically by start doing it. A little trick which sometimes help is to start really small but to start. Like 10 minutes of studying. It is ok if you stop afterwards. But most of the time you'll find out that the lacking motivation wasn't the problem and you just needed to start.

Write your gaming buddys that you doing a 3month detox and it doesn't matter what they say you won't game until then, but that you'll be happy to talk to them on gaming unrelated topics. If they don't understand try to mute them and get rid of them for this time. This is really not helping you.

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Hey I also wish you all the best! It's interesting to read.

Uhm might I ask what a "organ failure survivor" is? Like was this at birth or later and is this still affecting your life? You don't need to answer if it makes you feel uncomfortably.

If you're interested into mechanical mods you might also be interested in something like the Arduino.

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  • 6 months later...

Been MONTHS! Day, who knows. Quit gaming, detoxed, I am now a study robot, working on my art 24/7 and trying to get into the industry. Taking classes online. Friends: zero, besides my dog. The only one thing I miss about gaming is the social aspect. I try gaming now and then and the most I can focus on it is an hour before I get bored and quit - without other people I know, it just doesn't work. YouTube and Twitter are distractions just as bad as gaming, so I try not to use either much. That's where I'm at guys, to anyone reading this (I assume around my age), just focus on your career right now because you won't be young forever.


Every hour counts and adds up to something greater.

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5 hours ago, Death13 said:

Been MONTHS! Day, who knows. Quit gaming, detoxed, I am now a study robot, working on my art 24/7 and trying to get into the industry. Taking classes online. Friends: zero, besides my dog. The only one thing I miss about gaming is the social aspect. I try gaming now and then and the most I can focus on it is an hour before I get bored and quit - without other people I know, it just doesn't work. YouTube and Twitter are distractions just as bad as gaming, so I try not to use either much. That's where I'm at guys, to anyone reading this (I assume around my age), just focus on your career right now because you won't be young forever.


Every hour counts and adds up to something greater.


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