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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

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Day 46

I'm getting super frustrated, perhaps I need a refresher on my goals but I'm so just frustrated and irritated with everything. I don't want to work my job. I want more time. Just gonna freshen up on what I committed too so maybe I can go back to being motivated and driven

- Jess

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Day 47

I guess I sort of relapsed today. I had two VR setups for work and spent the morning playing through the Rick and Morty VR experience. I never had the opportunity to really play through it so I took advantage of the opportunity to finish it. I don't know what to do. I also have the opportunity for a game testing position at Microsoft that i'll be interviewing for. It'd at least get me away from my current place of employment but the hours will definitely not make me happy. I have the omegathon coming up in a few weeks which is kind of annoying in some ways but should also be super fun. Games are definitely getting in the way of my goals for getting a different job but I also sort of got in the way of that myself with some of my commitment issues. I'm not really sure what sparked that. Possibly the job back and forth thing of an exciting opportunity that once again didn't work out. At least I have no jobs to hold out for anymore. There's probably no more "cool" jobs to distract me at this moment. Just need to find a boring one that pays the bills and makes me happy enough to follow my dreams on the side. I did at least start making my dream game today so that's something, but I definitely need to double down again on my habits so I can get myself back together. Think I'm gonna watch the doubling down video and maybe some videos on commitment and see what I can come up with. 

- Jess

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Day 48

Got a reticle into my game today which is cool My friend got me motivated to use what little time I had to get something done on the game. Also had a good talk with my boss. I don't think I'm going to take the testing position because it's not going to make me happier, but me and my boss both agreed I need to find something else and I need to start looking. Tomorrow I plan on waking up, skateboarding and then coming back to get an application or two done before putting some time into my game development. Getting back and double down on the scheduling. 

- Jess  

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