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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Giblet's Journal


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  • 2 months later...



Merry Christmas from Down Under!!!

I know I haven't been very active on here lately, but I couldn't resist an obligatory Christmas/reflective post.

Reasons I haven't been very active lately is because I have switched to journalling in a bullet/dot journal by hand, as its a bit more convenient to do it on the go. As a result I have been writing a lot more, but in shorter bursts about a wider variety of topics rather than one big hit. It kind of solves the issue of what I felt like spending far too much time in the morning in front of a computer when instead I wanted to focus upon establishing a good morning routine.

Secondly is my focus has been elsewhere rather than personal development, mainly family and training. I do enjoy getting my daily email updates of the forum though and it looks like you are mainly doing relatively well.

Anyway, I had a cracker of a day, and I hope those of you on the other side of the dateline have a great day tomorrow - I intend to be spending the majority of it watching the Boxing Day test!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm suffering a post-degree crisis, not knowing what to study or whether I should study at all. I am concerned that I will end up not continuing any personal development this year without it. I have topped out in the industry I work in for the moment due to my grades, so I have been looking at languages - though there doesn't seem to be many offerings down under that I can do online/by distance.

Feeling a little lost.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While running yesterday I started reflecting on the folly of 'digital achievements'. I am not sure why it got brought on, maybe because I had @Cam Adair's recent FB comments about not seeing instant rewards/feedback in life. I used to be a massive achievement hunter - like unless there was an achievement in doing something, I wasn't interested in doing it. I would, however, happily waste 4+ hours chasing some rare rabbit or some other rubbish. Why? I could have all the digital achievements in the world and they mean nothing as soon as I step out the door. All those achievements I did get, what are they doing for me now? How are they advancing me? Spoiler alert - they're not.


Its interesting that we get so suckered into chasing them and think that they are the big all and end all, whereas they are just pixels. The other side of that is there is many achievements that do have instant feedback in life, rather than the 'delayed' that people were talking about, like doing the dishes (achievement: clear bench), finishing a puzzle (achievement: cool picture), going for a walk (achievement: visiting a new place), or not buying that beer (achievement: extra money). Maybe because nothing flashes in front of you eyes, nothing lights up, no little DISSSHHHHHH sound, that we don't it as enticing. Or we simply EXPECT that to happen anyway without any effort. Spoiler alert - nothing happens without our effort.

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I recently downloaded the "easy" button from the old Staples commercials (in the US, not sure if you saw those down in AUS). I LOVE pushing it after completing something hard. I smirk every time. ? It's a fun way to add a little video-game psychology to my every-day achievements. And I like how you framed up achievements in your post - this can probably be transferred to 'leveling up' too. 

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7 hours ago, Brian said:

I recently downloaded the "easy" button from the old Staples commercials (in the US, not sure if you saw those down in AUS). I LOVE pushing it after completing something hard. I smirk every time. ? It's a fun way to add a little video-game psychology to my every-day achievements. And I like how you framed up achievements in your post - this can probably be transferred to 'leveling up' too. 

haha that's a funny way to get a boost of dopamine while also bringing light to how silly the digital achievements are.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been quite some time since I have been back on the forums! About eight weeks to be exact I think.

It have been keeping myself moving and progressing with life - I hate the word busy after watching a TED talk on it being "the biggest excuse in the English language." It's so true though. Several people I have spoken to at work when they complain they are busy and can't achieve everything, I ask them, "what time did you get up in the morning?" or "how many hours did you sit in front of the TV today?" The answer mostly is along the lines of a) twenty minutes before work after hitting the snooze button three times, and b) 'only' 3 hours.

When I hear someone say "I'm too busy right now", my brain instantly translates that to "This is not a priority for me." That's cool, we can't prioritise everything in life, in fact we need to choose when and where to be bad at something in order to focus on our priorities (eg I choose to be bad at sports so I can prioritise running, or I choose to be bad at social conversation about news or TV shows so I can prioritise my family), we need the awareness to accept that instead of simply complaining, which is the path of least resistance (and therefore most chosen).

Going to work hard on rebuilding a routine of coming back onto the forums for at least 30 minutes a day, I found that when I was reading over journals and engaging in discussion here, it was when my personal development was at its highest. It hasn't been non-existent while I have been away, but has definitely slowed. It makes it a bit difficult when the "peer" group of posters/quitters that were around during my detox have all disappeared/moved on. I hope they are all doing well.

I have brought my Marathon count up to 15 now. I am loving these virtual medals, it really encourages me to push through the pain barrier and bonking. If anyone is after a great motivation tool, you can find them here at http://www.virtualrunner.com.au.

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