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A cynic viewpoint of life


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Do you ever feel like trying in life is not worth the effort?

Do you ever feel restricted by circumstances that keep you beat down?Like you dont have a choice but to endure  an awfully unpleasant and unfullfilling routine?

You find yourself in such a situation tangled in bullshit ,having to talk to people you dont like, doing things you dont like , every day of your life till you are so empty that you have to indugle in any form of addiction to fill the void. Games, gambling,porn , alchool, whatever to just feel the void.

At one point you become aware of the fact that your addiction no longer helps , but actually makes you worse, you seek help, you research, you find people who have been through this before , they tell their story and you can relate, they tell you you can do it and encourage you to break out of the addiction circle,they give you tips and support to make it out.

You now know how your body, brain and emotion works, you know what you have to do, what you must do to reach your goal.You start doing all the right things , you are in the "control phase",you force yourself to fight your fears and expand your comfort zone, and for a while you make it.

You eventually beat your affliction( or so you think), and with a spark of life within you start a new journey, only this time wiser and stronger.Your ego feeds on the accomplishment and you fly high.You start noticing certain common behaviours among all people, same fears, same insecurities same things that make us tick and you start to understand both yourself and other people at a really high level.You start noticing the social constructs and the set of beliefs that lead to these limiting beliefs that cause so much unhapiness and distress to people who have them.

Your focus shifts from your addiction and your problems to the outside world,you start to notice the delusion, the fear, the unfairness of it all. Self righteous riligious people, activists,feminists,right wing, left wing, racists,lobbyists,climate change denyers,climate change activists and all kinds of other ideological groups and you think to yourself, why do they even bother?

You look all around and all you see is vanity and people chasing ghosts.They all have this deep wants and needs that most of them are not even aware of, They go about chasing this needs in the most perculiar , misled and ridicolous ways.

Some guys invest 10 years on becoming succesfull empty suit type of people because they think the girl of their dreams wont look at them unless they have wealth and are succesfull in society first.

Some girls will never enjoy themsleves sexually cause they think that indulging in sexual intercourse outside marriage is sinfull.

Couples will marry someone they dont particularly love and they will stay in the relationship unhappy  for years or their entire life, untill one of them dies and the other is left on a deathbed regretting all the risks he didnt took and how fast lived past him by.

Parents will "stay in it for the kids", exposing their children to a hostile and unloving environment where no affection whatsover is shown. They will rationalize that it is best for the kids , while they are only doing it for themselves as they are afraid to break up even though the marriage sucks.

You still have people (particularly from western world countries) who invade middle east countries and steal their resources, and then claim it's defence against terrorism and the general public genuinely believes that. What is more sad is that there are soldiers that are so brainwashed that they think they are doing their country a great favour by their sacrifice , they call them heroes, indeed they are by slaughtering other people and stealing their resources the average western man (myself included) can live a life of luxury.

People will be lead by populists politicians believing that somehow a change is politics is what they are waiting, or that the main problem in the life and the reason they are not doing that wll is the goverment

One could go on FOREVER, and I mean a FOREVER with listing examples of people's faults , contradictions, bigotry and psychopathy.But what is the point,I'm sure anyone can add fresh ideas and observations to this depressive list. 

The  logical conclusions once you have trully realised all these are:

Option 1. change your mindset to all good , focusing on the brightside, optimistic life kind of bullshit and surround yourself with other dreamers untill you forget the bad stuff

Option 2.Just keep doing what you and everyone else is doing, it's how it has been and how it will be.

Option 3.Become distnat, depressed and completely fucked up, indulge in addictions and genrally become a shade of yourself waiting to die, behind a computer screen or at the bottom of an emty bottle.

Opion 4.Exploit this phychopathy's this inherent biases, flaws and the general egotism,self righteousness , and idiocy of people to make profit .Use this knowledge to your benefit .

After you have made profit you can either decide to help solve the problems by hitting the root of the issue with your new acquired resources , or you can just sit back and exploit your loot, maybe write a self help book about how other people can make it.People will think you are somekind of a hero, a new Trump or a new Richard Branson, doesnt matter how many people you trumpled over to get to where you are,doesnt matter if you sold  false promises or some new technological bullshit gadget, all the matters is that people believe that you offer them value, even if you do absolutely do not offer them anything but take up their time and money.

Life goes on , and self proclaimed "good people" will keep doing what their doing wether good or bad they will rationalise that it is actually good  so they can feel better about themselves.

One has to wonder, perhaps indulging into addiction , like video games is not that bad afterall, assuming you can provide for yourself and do not have people depending on you .


Edited by addict10n
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First of all I think many of this points are true and there is a lot of shit in the world. But I sincerely believe that there is a lot of good in the world too. You aren't a dreamer if you focus more on the good things that happen around the globe. Or the things which are neither good nor bad. Why isn't it a valid option just to do the best you can in live? Just fulfill your own ethical code. I know that I will only feel happy if I manage to do that. For me that is enough. Doesn't matter then if the world is fucked up. Or not.

I have to admit that this viewpoint is kind of egoistical. Also i assume that my ethical code is the right one. But I choose mildly egoistic over depressed at anytime. I want to spend my time on earth happy. One way to do this is to help other People. I guess I chose Option 1.

Is it bad to be addicted to Videogames? This depends from the viewpoint. You think that there is an objective bad/evil. But I am sure that there isn't.such a thing.

Is it bad for society or the world? No.

Is it bad for you? yes.

Do I care more about me then about the world? definitely (pragmatism!)

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I constantly have like ... the exact same thoughts. This place is the biggest shXthole you can find. Everything is entirely fucked up and will be fucked up forever. A few days ago I watched a YouTube video about a 13 year old boy who already invented his first construct to generate free energy. He stated, that all he wants is to make this world a better place. A friend of mine shared this video on facebook, stating that what the world needs is more boys of this kind.

That made me sad. Somehow. Because, history has proven that geniuses will make the world worse, not better. This boy will probably invent an ion cannon when he is 18 and will be threatened to sell it to any western military in order to live another day. Alfred Nobel, the guy we can thank for the nobel prize, invented the dynamite. People will always fuck up. Always.

But my sadness usually gets pushed away by the idea behind all this. If we are free of a codex, whether it may be good or bad, that means we can truly pursue our dreams without labeling them "good" or "bad". Everybody, everybody believes he is the good guy. This is part of our hardwired default setting. If we can free ourselves from all this judgement, we can simply live. And we decide which path to go. We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves. And ourselves, all combined, makes the society. And all societies combined make the world, somehow. At least the construct of the world in our minds. So, if we would see the world change, we should change ourselves. This is  the only island where we are king or queen.

Knowing that we will die some day makes life valuable. Knowing that we decide how we want to live, gives us freedom. Liberty. And in my book, a person who decides to go a certain path, will always be superior to the person who avoids any decision. So drowning in video games or addictions of any kind is no option to me. I don't judge whether my path is the right one or not, because there is no such thing as right or wrong. It is only a point of view.

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I like to remind myself that there have been people all throughout history who've chosen to live a life worth living. And whenever that may have been, the world was just as full of conflict, contradiction, paradox, and uncertainty. If someone else, then why not me? If then, why not now? Where do you find inspiration?

Also, it's easy to completely convince ourselves the world is a certain way. But we have a very limited and subjective perspective, which is why I think it's important at least for me to constantly strive to expand that perspective and become aware of what it is we don't see. How exactly would you like the world to be in order for you to be able to live a fulfilling life? The words of songwriter Greg Brown come to mind: "The world ain't what you think it is, the world ain't what you wish it was, it's just what it is."

Edited by MmmWatermelon
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I have to remind myself to stay in the moment.  I am right here, right now.

I must look at the floor, the ceiling, at my toes and fingers.  I am right here right now.

All I have to worry about is getting through today without gaming.

If I make it through today without gaming, then I have had a successful day.


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  • 10 months later...

Do you ever feel like trying in life is not worth the effort?

Do you ever feel restricted by circumstances that keep you beat down?Like you dont have a choice but to endure  an awfully unpleasant and unfullfilling routine?

You find yourself in such a situation tangled in bullshit ,having to talk to people you dont like, doing things you dont like , every day of your life till you are so empty that you have to indugle in any form of addiction to fill the void. Games, gambling,porn , alchool, whatever to just feel the void.

At one point you become aware of the fact that your addiction no longer helps , but actually makes you worse, you seek help, you research, you find people who have been through this before , they tell their story and you can relate, they tell you you can do it and encourage you to break out of the addiction circle,they give you tips and support to make it out.

You now know how your body, brain and emotion works, you know what you have to do, what you must do to reach your goal.You start doing all the right things , you are in the "control phase",you force yourself to fight your fears and expand your comfort zone, and for a while you make it.

You eventually beat your affliction( or so you think), and with a spark of life within you start a new journey, only this time wiser and stronger.Your ego feeds on the accomplishment and you fly high.You start noticing certain common behaviours among all people, same fears, same insecurities same things that make us tick and you start to understand both yourself and other people at a really high level.You start noticing the social constructs and the set of beliefs that lead to these limiting beliefs that cause so much unhapiness and distress to people who have them.

Your focus shifts from your addiction and your problems to the outside world,you start to notice the delusion, the fear, the unfairness of it all. Self righteous riligious people, activists,feminists,right wing, left wing, racists,lobbyists,climate change denyers,climate change activists and all kinds of other ideological groups and you think to yourself, why do they even bother?

You look all around and all you see is vanity and people chasing ghosts.They all have this deep wants and needs that most of them are not even aware of, They go about chasing this needs in the most perculiar , misled and ridicolous ways.

Some guys invest 10 years on becoming succesfull empty suit type of people because they think the girl of their dreams wont look at them unless they have wealth and are succesfull in society first.

Some girls will never enjoy themsleves sexually cause they think that indulging in sexual intercourse outside marriage is sinfull.

Couples will marry someone they dont particularly love and they will stay in the relationship unhappy  for years or their entire life, untill one of them dies and the other is left on a deathbed regretting all the risks he didnt took and how fast lived past him by.

Parents will "stay in it for the kids", exposing their children to a hostile and unloving environment where no affection whatsover is shown. They will rationalize that it is best for the kids , while they are only doing it for themselves as they are afraid to break up even though the marriage sucks.

You still have people (particularly from western world countries) who invade middle east countries and steal their resources, and then claim it's defence against terrorism and the general public genuinely believes that. What is more sad is that there are soldiers that are so brainwashed that they think they are doing their country a great favour by their sacrifice , they call them heroes, indeed they are by slaughtering other people and stealing their resources the average western man (myself included) can live a life of luxury.

People will be lead by populists politicians believing that somehow a change is politics is what they are waiting, or that the main problem in the life and the reason they are not doing that wll is the goverment

One could go on FOREVER, and I mean a FOREVER with listing examples of people's faults , contradictions, bigotry and psychopathy.But what is the point,I'm sure anyone can add fresh ideas and observations to this depressive list. 

The  logical conclusions once you have trully realised all these are:

Option 1. change your mindset to all good , focusing on the brightside, optimistic life kind of bullshit and surround yourself with other dreamers untill you forget the bad stuff

Option 2.Just keep doing what you and everyone else is doing, it's how it has been and how it will be.

Option 3.Become distnat, depressed and completely fucked up, indulge in addictions and genrally become a shade of yourself waiting to die, behind a computer screen or at the bottom of an emty bottle.

Opion 4.Exploit this phychopathy's this inherent biases, flaws and the general egotism,self righteousness , and idiocy of people to make profit .Use this knowledge to your benefit .

After you have made profit you can either decide to help solve the problems by hitting the root of the issue with your new acquired resources , or you can just sit back and exploit your loot, maybe write a self help book about how other people can make it.People will think you are somekind of a hero, a new Trump or a new Richard Branson, doesnt matter how many people you trumpled over to get to where you are,doesnt matter if you sold  false promises or some new technological bullshit gadget, all the matters is that people believe that you offer them value, even if you do absolutely do not offer them anything but take up their time and money.

Life goes on , and self proclaimed "good people" will keep doing what their doing wether good or bad they will rationalise that it is actually good  so they can feel better about themselves.

One has to wonder, perhaps indulging into addiction , like video games is not that bad afterall, assuming you can provide for yourself and do not have people depending on you .


Oh i love a cynic. Cynics are very important to have in the world.

But may i ask, have you always felt like a cynic, or just for some time?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cynicism is a way to detach yourself from reality when you can't take it. It's like moving in the shadow-world. You are untouchable for others as a cynic. It's passive-aggressive and extremely defensive. To me it exerts the impression that someone has given up - is done with it.

I try my best to avoid being cynical and I don't like spending time with cynical people. They are difficult to work with and never satisfied. They often have a poisonous effect on their environment.

The options imposed are restricting. Don't restrict yourself. Be opportunistic and fuck the system, unless you like the system - then perfect it and draw power from its lanes. Be free to change your mind every day of life, that is how life is meant to be lived. Sticking to one option denies growth, you can only see as many options as your horizon has broadness. Your horizon changes every day, if you manage to look up.


Edited by destoroyah
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1 hour ago, destoroyah said:

Cynicism is a way to detach yourself from reality when you can't take it. It's like moving in the shadow-world. You are untouchable for others as a cynic. It's passive-aggressive and extremely defensive. To me it exerts the impression that someone has given up - is done with it.

I try my best to avoid being cynical and I don't like spending time with cynical people. They are difficult to work with and never satisfied. They often have a poisonous effect on their environment.

The options imposed are restricting. Don't restrict yourself. Be opportunistic and fuck the system, unless you like the system - then perfect it and draw power from its lanes. Be free to change your mind every day of life, that is how life is meant to be lived. Sticking to one option denies growth, you can only see as many options as your horizon has broadness. Your horizon changes every day, if you manage to look up.


Well said!

"The last human freedom is our ability to give meaning to our circumstances." - Viktor Frankl

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