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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

The Viking Journal


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I want to accomplish the 90-Detox Challenge!

Day 1 

check.gif Write a presentationpost

check.gif Uninstall Blizzard’s Overwatch ( the game I was currently playing )

check.gif Go for a run

check.gif Do the chores for today, so I don’t have to do them, when I have picked up the kids from daycare.

Plan for day 2

* No video games !

* I actually have a day off tomorrow, so I will keep the kids home with me !

I'm thankful for thoughts


I'm looking forward to write about the first 24 hours !

Have a nice day.

/ Viking

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Hey welcome to the forums!

I think connecting with your family is an awesome motivation to quit games. Maybe it would be worthwhile for you to check out joe's journal in the archived journal session. He did stop gaming as he got his little daughter. And he describes nicely how He used the time to connect to her and really spent some time with her. Just let us know if you struggle. That is kind of normal and we have your back!


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Hey welcome to the forums!

I think connecting with your family is an awesome motivation to quit games. Maybe it would be worthwhile for you to check out joe's journal in the archived journal session. He did stop gaming as he got his little daughter. And he describes nicely how He used the time to connect to her and really spent some time with her. Just let us know if you struggle. That is kind of normal and we have your back!


Hi @WorkInProgress - Thanks for having my back. I appreciate it ! Joe’s journal sounds really interesting, i’ll look into it straight away.


Hey Viking. Welcome, good luck! :)  

Hi @LilChenChen - Thank you !

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Day 1 ( part 2 )

Inspired by Joe's journal:

I'm thankful for:

1. My daughter was so close to say "Far" today, which means dad in Danish.

2. I found gamequitters.com

3. I'm going to sleep today, rest assured, that there is hope ! 

Bonus: 4. All the empty hard disk space that came out from deleting all the games ! 9_9

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Your motive to get in better touch with your family is a strong one, and you'll undoubtedly be happier when you can spend time without craving something virtual.

Oh damn, I remember this! When I was gaming and hung out with my friends I was usually thinking about getting home gaming. I'm so glad it's easier to be present in social situations nowadays. :)

Hej Viking! Greetings from a northern neighbour. Liking your compact journal! 

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@AlexTheGrape - Thank you :) 

@SpiNips - Hej Nabo - Sweden or Norway? :) - I can really relate to what you are writing about the thinking about getting home. I cancelled so many family and friends arrangements just so I could game, or planned the event, so that I would have some hours afterwards to play video games. I'm glad that it is easier for you now !

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I want to accomplish the 90-Detox Challenge!

Day 2 

check.gif No gaming

check.gif Kept the kids home from daycare. We had a brilliant day !

check.gif Thankful thoughts


My day

Today was actually harder and more weird than I thought it would be. I can really feel the restlessness. It feels like I lost a good friend. I know it sounds a bit exaggerated, but it really feels that way, empty and sad inside. Guess it has to do with the fact, that I'm not ever going to play video games again. Like ever.. But again, this just emphasises, that I'm addicted to video games !

This is going to be a much harder journey than I expected. I had forgotten how it felt last time I tried quitting. I'm really thankful that I found this community. I think it will make the difference.

I'm thankful for:

  1. My kids and I had a lovely day at my mom's place.
  2. My wife still backs me up, despite that this is not my first, second or third attempt to quit.
  3. My mom understood my situation, and understood that she couldn't be blamed for my gaming habit in my childhood. It was her first thought, but I think I made it clear to her, that it wasn't anything she could have done at that time.


Plan for day 3

* No gaming !

* Plan a tent trip for my son and I.

* Go for a run

* Play the piano

* Continue reading ( 1984 George Orwell, Rocks ! )


Have a nice day.

/ Viking

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It is normal that you feel sadness that you leave such a big part of your life behind. It is important to remember that quitting doesn't take away the good times you had with games. It is just time for a new thing to start. After you get used to this idea you still can get some nsotalgia but the urges are usually gone.

Good luck man I am voting for you(Big Brother is watching you)!

Edited by WorkInProgress
Needed to show off that I read 1984 xD
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I want to accomplish the 90-Detox Challenge!

Day 3 

check.gif No gaming

check.gif Plan a tent trip for my son and I.

check.gif Go for a run

check.gif Play the piano got switched to some hours of programming.

check.gif Continue reading ( 1984 George Orwell, Rocks ! )


My day

Today was better than yesterday. I think the early morning was the hardest part, because I couldn't see how I could relax today, which I normally use gaming for. But as the day went through, it became easier. It helped trying to focus on something else, and not let my mind wander too much. I picked up the kids earlier from daycare, which was nice, though we were all tired. I hope tomorrow will be something like today :)

I'm thankful for:

  1. The fact that my family and I are so privileged. I watched a documentary program about the indonesian water nomads. Not to neglect our problems, but we have food and clean water.   


Plan for day 4

* No gaming !

* Play the piano

* Continue, planning the tent trip for my son and I.

* Continue reading ( 1984 George Orwell )


Just made a post about Selling my gaming computer - I'd love to hear your thoughts about it !


Have a nice day.

/ Viking

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Day 4

Today was really hard. I wanted to game so badly ! And I felt sorry for myself, and tried to convince myself, that I was too hard on myself. I think the worst time is when I'm alone. When I'm together with my kids and my wife, it isn't that much of a problem. Tomorrow I'm going to work, and we have family visiting us in the afternoon, so hopefully tomorrow will be easier.

/ Viking

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Day 5 and 6

You guys probably had the same experience, when you quitted gaming, but at one minute I'm trying to persuade myself, that gaming is OK for me, and that I can just play a little less, and then it's ok, and the other minute, I'm like, hell no, I'm not going to play video games ever again, I have so many other interesting things to do. It's really like having an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other, both arguing for their cause.

I actually don't know what I should do? If I'm not going to do anything drastically now, then I think I will go back to gaming again. Maybe it's because I can't find my real goal for quitting video games. Like, in my first post I mentioned my kids as my first priority. And yes, they still are, but now when they are asleep, and I'm restless.... o Oh.

I tried getting back into programming, played the piano, read books, watched Netflix, went for a run, did workout, slept. It's like my brain is not satisfied, or calm. My brain is running at full speed. I might have used video gaming for throttling down my brain. I've tried to visualise, that I was gaming again, and tried to feel, if I would be happier when I'm gaming... I don't have a happy feeling when thinking about gaming.

Any suggestions what I should do now?

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Day 5 and 6

You guys probably had the same experience, when you quitted gaming, but at one minute I'm trying to persuade myself, that gaming is OK for me, and that I can just play a little less, and then it's ok, and the other minute, I'm like, hell no, I'm not going to play video games ever again, I have so many other interesting things to do. It's really like having an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other, both arguing for their cause.

I actually don't know what I should do? If I'm not going to do anything drastically now, then I think I will go back to gaming again. Maybe it's because I can't find my real goal for quitting video games. Like, in my first post I mentioned my kids as my first priority. And yes, they still are, but now when they are asleep, and I'm restless.... o Oh.

I tried getting back into programming, played the piano, read books, watched Netflix, went for a run, did workout, slept. It's like my brain is not satisfied, or calm. My brain is running at full speed. I might have used video gaming for throttling down my brain. I've tried to visualise, that I was gaming again, and tried to feel, if I would be happier when I'm gaming... I don't have a happy feeling when thinking about gaming.

Any suggestions what I should do now?

Think about it like this. If you're having this difficult of a time without video games, is that really healthy? Do you want to be trapped in a life where if you don't play video games for a few days you become very restless? 

So the first thing is, this is all normal. The more difficult it is and the more restless you are, the more validation it is that you're doing the right thing by taking a break. Complete the 90 days, no matter what, whatever it takes, and then you can re-evaluate. I bet you will find it to be a very rewarding experience.

All the moments where your brain is trying to justify for you to play is just a sign that it's craving the level of stimulation you get in games and that this break is a necessary step for you. This type of restlessness tends to be the worst during the initial 21 days. So keep going, it will get better.

Below is the proposed criteria for a video game addiction. Take specific notice of the ones that you relate to.

1. Preoccupation with Internet games. (The individual thinks about previous gaming activity or anticipates playing the next game; Internet gaming becomes the dominant activity in daily life.)

Note: This disorder is distinct from Internet gambling, which is included under gambling disorder.

2. Withdrawal symptoms when Internet gaming is taken away. (These symptoms are typically described as irritability, anxiety, or sadness, but there are no physical signs of pharmacological withdrawal.)

3. Tolerance--the need to spend increasing amounts of time engaged in Internet games.

4. Unsuccessful attempts to control the participation in Internet games.

5. Loss of interests in previous hobbies and entertainment as a result of, and with the exception of, Internet games.

6. Continued excessive use of Internet games despite knowledge of psychosocial problems.

7. Has deceived family members, therapists, or others regarding the amount of Internet gaming.

8. Use of Internet games to escape or relieve a negative mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety.

9. Has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of participation in Internet games.

Note: Only nongambling Internet games are included in this disorder. Use of the Internet for required activities in a business or profession is not included; nor is the disorder intended to include other recreational or social Internet use. Similarly, sexual Internet sites are excluded.
Specify current severity:

Internet gaming disorder can be mild, moderate, or severe depending on the degree of disruption of normal activities. Individuals with less severe Internet gaming disorder may exhibit fewer symptoms and less disruption of their lives. Those with severe Internet gaming disorder will have more hours spent on the computer and more severe loss of relationships or career or school opportunities.

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