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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

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My name is Red. I struggle against video game addiction, which has had a negative impact on my self-esteem and causes me constant frustration. It has a negative affect on my grades as well, which are still among the best in my school, despite my insufficient studying. I can confidently say that I will never overcome my frustration and achieve happiness if I do not jump this hurdle. This task is a frightening one, that takes willpower beyond the conception of many people. Whether or not I can do it is truly a question of motivation...

I will try my hardest. 


Days 1 & 2:

Resisting my urges to game have been relatively easy, considering how little time I have spent at home. 

  • Guest pinned this topic

Hey Red welcome to the forum.

Going outside a lot can help with not gaming. It is important to identify the needs gaming fulfilled for you and fin other activities to do the same. For many people playing online gives them a feeling of achievement and there is a big social factor involved. For others the escape out of a harsh reality and stress evasion is the main point. Ask yourself why you game and then you'll be able to find tools to answer this why's in a more constructive way.

Good luck to your journey!


You are strong and will do it. Can't wait to see effects of your improvement. Post regularly and don't give up, because results will surely be beyond your imagination. :)


Welcome Red! 

Hey Red welcome to the forum.

Going outside a lot can help with not gaming. It is important to identify the needs gaming fulfilled for you and fin other activities to do the same. For many people playing online gives them a feeling of achievement and there is a big social factor involved. For others the escape out of a harsh reality and stress evasion is the main point. Ask yourself why you game and then you'll be able to find tools to answer this why's in a more constructive way.

Good luck to your journey!

You are strong and will do it. Can't wait to see effects of your improvement. Post regularly and don't give up, because results will surely be beyond your imagination. :)



Day 3: Relatively easy day. Saw a woman playing on her smartphone which was a bit tempting... 

  • Guest unpinned this topic

Day 4: Was considerably more difficult today. Ended up mindlessly browsing. Not sure if that's any better than gaming. 


Day 4: Was considerably more difficult today. Ended up mindlessly browsing. Not sure if that's any better than gaming. 

It's better than gaming but only by a little bit.

Any idea what made the day more difficult?


What helps me when I'm going though this the same as you is turn of or put down whatever I'm searching, googling on, and go for a walk. Even if its downstair in the kitchen to make a drink and start a new process.


Day 4: Was considerably more difficult today. Ended up mindlessly browsing. Not sure if that's any better than gaming. 

It's better than gaming but only by a little bit.

Any idea what made the day more difficult?

It was more difficult because I watched videos of games I played, which always triggers me super hard. I think I need to stop doing that. 


try LeechBlock. This will increase your barrier of entry into mindless browsing.

Flashblocker works aswell!

Thank you. Sounds like a great idea!

What helps me when I'm going though this the same as you is turn of or put down whatever I'm searching, googling on, and go for a walk. Even if its downstair in the kitchen to make a drink and start a new process.

Yes, I've been doing that a lot too. 


Day 5: Had a few strong urges to play, mostly triggered by gaming videos, but was able to go to bed and sleep it off. 


Day 6: Wasted a lot of time browsing the internet, but hey, at least I'm not gaming... I guess. I think it might be just as important to cut down on browsing as gaming, so that'll definately be next goal.

Posted (edited)

Hey good job on not gaming for almost a week! I feel like the best way to stop too much browsing is to find something new you are excited in. At start most things you try won't be that exciting. But if you stick to them for some time (1-2weeks minimum) there is a real possibility to find new passions and things you want to do. For me these things where exercising with bodyweight and programming. A good starting point to explore new things is to go back to old things you enjoyed in the past, but quit because of gaming/lack of time. Also there is a video on the gamequitters youtube channel where cam talks about how to stop mindless browsing. Maybe worth checking out for you!

Also good job on keeping this journal up. This forces you to reflect on your days and gives you an incentive to improve, which you wouldn't have if you did still game all the day.

Edited by WorkInProgress

Hey good job on not gaming for almost a week! I feel like the best way to stop too much browsing is to find something new you are excited in. At start most things you try won't be that exciting. But if you stick to them for some time (1-2weeks minimum) there is a real possibility to find new passions and things you want to do. For me these things where exercising with bodyweight and programming. A good starting point to explore new things is to go back to old things you enjoyed in the past, but quit because of gaming/lack of time. Also there is a video on the gamequitters youtube channel where cam talks about how to stop mindless browsing. Maybe worth checking out for you!

Also good job on keeping this journal up. This forces you to reflect on your days and gives you an incentive to improve, which you wouldn't have if you did still game all the day.

Thanks. I'm definately thinking about developing new hobbies!

You are doing well!

I am also on day 6.

Good job. Cheers to the first week :)

Yes, watching gaming videos will trigger you to want to play. :P

Desire to watch too stronk tho. 


Day 7: I feel more conflicted than ever. For me, it honestly hasn't been that difficult to stop playing. I think my brain is happy as long as I'm wasting my time with some other nonsense. For people to reach any sort of success or fufullment, they need to be able to quit video games, without instead of moving on to youtube or facebook. The reason people join this forums is because they want to increase their productivity, and believe that quitting games will do so. While quitting video games is a CRUCIAL step, it alone is not enough. You need to have the willpower to step away from the computer and do what you really need to do, even if it isn't the most stimulating. I see now that this will be my greatest challenge. And it scares me ;'(

I'm scared because I don't really have any real hobbies, or anything that I'm passionate about. I feel like I'm not looking hard enough, or at all for that matter.

I know that it's nonsense, but I always hear this question echo in the back of my head.

What if I never find anything else

Posted (edited)

Look 30 years back in the past and no one was able to play any computer games. They still found activities they enjoyed and made their life happen. I know that this is hard to realize but it is your choice what your passionate about. Passion isn't something hat appears suddenly out of the blue. You weren't that passionate about computer games as you started gaming. It was just something fun to try out. But you invested more and more time into it and then a passion grew. Action comes always before passion. Action leads to motivation leads to more action. Realize that you are the one choosing what to do. This sounds mean at first glance because it says you are the one who played away your past. You are the one who fucked up. But it is also empowering. It means you can create a passion. It is just a question of actions and time.

To get more concrete: Pick anything and try it out. Seriously anything. The worst what will happen is that you waste 2 weeks trying something what doesn't give you anything. Start small but start somewhere. Commit to anything and do something for it for a week. Believe me that is where the magic happens. I fyou can't choose start exercising. Start ith the warmup and bodylinework of this  routine and just do it everyday. If you like something else more go for that and make a commitment to do something for at least 10-30min every day to get better at it. Reflect here how you are doing with it.

Edited by WorkInProgress

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