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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

LilChenChen's Journal


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You can always use Stayfocus o K-9 to moderate your youtube and news watching. 

Personally there´s too much negativity in the news so I usually skip them. Sometimes I even prefer to watch a sarcastic/comedy news at youtube.
Sometimes I will buy the newspaper on a sunday morning or look around a bit on google news.

If you are really into reading news you can read them while having breakfast, lunch or dinner. Another example is that while I brush my teeth I watch one of Cam´s videos.

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I just upgraded my Respawn package to include a 30 minutes coaching session with Cam yesterday. Here is a summary of the session: 

I told him that I am very interested in helping the world, especially in the area of environment and climate change. 

He was telling me that I need to take care of myself, before I can have a positive impact on the world. I need to be aware of times when I start to have bad thoughts or get stressed, and take a break from things. This could be stretching, taking a walk, meditation, writing on my journal, or socializing with someone online. Self care is a prerequisite for caring about others and I should congratulate myself for taking care of myself. 

Continuously take action to build momentum. 

If I want to support the environment, brainstorm ways to do so and start with something small this weekend. 

I have a purpose (to help the environment, to build a good relationship with my girlfriend, to be supportive to family and friends), and purpose is key to avoiding procrastination. 


I've been having bad thoughts rather frequently today and I've been taking breaks around that. 

I was reading that Cam is going to go to Tanzania, Africa, to help build a clean water well! I'm going to do some overtime this month, and pledge a portion of the profits that I make from overtime work to help fund the water well! I'm not sure on the exact portion of the profits yet :) (Of course I do overtime only after taking care of myself and taking appropriate breaks). Right now the project I am working on is the structural design of a Buddhist Temple. It's quite a big temple and I will need to review and learn a lot as I do the design and calculations, so my profits won't be high. 


Day 4


Workout: 30 minutes

Healthy Eating: 5.5/10 

Hygiene: 7/10

Mindful/focus: 3/10

Yoga/sitting meditation: 8 minutes 

Journal: done

Posture: 3.1/10

Sleep: 12:15am

wake: 8:15am

read/comment on maximum 3 other journals: 0/3

Act of kindness: 


To Quit: 


Gaming: 0

Internet Browsing: 2 seconds

Mindless News Reading: 

Porn watching: 0

Day 5 9:56pm


Workout: 30 minutes

Healthy Eating: 7.8/10 

Hygiene: 7/10

Mindful/focus: 3/10

Yoga/sitting meditation: 4 minutes 

Journal: done

Posture: 2.9/10

Sleep: 12:15am

wake: 8:15am

read/comment on maximum 3 other journals: 0/3

Act of kindness: 


To Quit: 


Gaming: 0

Internet Browsing: 

Mindless News Reading: 

Porn watching: 0


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Awesome! Love your notes from the session and really appreciate the pledge to help with the GQ mission to build a well in Tanzania! Can't wait to announce everything Monday + get a new camera for WAY better videos. :D


I really need to learn to stop leaking announcement


Day 6,7,8 

To Quit: 

Caffeine: 0

Gaming: 0

Internet Browsing: 1 min

Mindless News Reading: 1 min

Porn watching: 0

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Awesome! Love your notes from the session and really appreciate the pledge to help with the GQ mission to build a well in Tanzania! Can't wait to announce everything Monday + get a new camera for WAY better videos. :D


I really need to learn to stop leaking announcement

I had announced it in the vision post on GQ, so you guys could know in advance, but I'm making the big public announcement on Monday! :D 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's so cool that you have a buddhist temple near you. There's a saying which goes "you can't love others unless you love yourself"

It's not ment to be taken literally, it means to give priority to yourself.



I relapsed into playing games again. Not happy about it. Starting 90 days detox again 

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Yes, see a counsellor. Using the resources available to you will help make a difference. You've got this bro! 

Yes, counselling is expensive but its an investment. 

I'm feeling less stressed right now, but I really need to learn coping skills and seeing things from a positive angle. 

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Yes, see a counsellor. Using the resources available to you will help make a difference. You've got this bro! 

Yes, counselling is expensive but its an investment. 

I'm feeling less stressed right now, but I really need to learn coping skills and seeing things from a positive angle. 

You should be able to find some free or cheaper options. Google free counselling B.C. and you'll find something I'm sure.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fuck 90 days. It's not about certain number, it's about living a life where you choose wiser on decisions you make. Surely relapse sucks, I went through it a few days ago, but you should focus on getting desired life not on numbers. You've already made the first step. You've broke gaming streak. Now it's time to move on! Hope to see more from you soon! 

Greetings, Piotr.

Edited by Piotr
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So I relapsed for a few days and am off games for 14 days now. 

In the past, I was a sensitive pussy

I don't know if I can make 90 days of no gaming this time but I will try. 

You need to find ways to make yourself happy,without gaming.Make a LONG list of things that you enjoy doing and do them.

For example I like to dance to songs like crazy when no one is around, I like to chew random shit like pencil caps or things like that(probably unhealthy but I dont really care, it takes the stress of me). I like jogging using an app so I can record my running activites and review my progress. I also like getting laid which is why I put a lot of effort into imporving that aspet of my life. See a huge part of life is just filling it up with healthy and productive activites that make you feel fullfilled and good with yourself , rather than activites that damage your body, brain ,psyche and cause you pain.

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@addict10n: I like working out, going for walks with fiance, and playing any sports. Will do that more 

@Piotr: okay focus on getting desired life 

3 weeks no gaming now. I need to cut down on reading the news, going to reddit, and watching youtube videos though.  

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  • 3 months later...

So I quit playing Runescape now because I am very addicted to gaining exp and leveling up. I will try the level 90 challenge again and if I fail I will donate $100 to Cam Adair. 

Great to have you back with us brother. You're a valued member of our community!

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I read this article on Elon Musk today, the guy who started the Electric Car Tesla, Solar City, and Mars X. His stocks went up by 30% since Donald Trump became president. What? And he seems to be one of Trump's advisers now. As someone who was upset that Trump won, that's very inspirational and eye opening to me. Just befriend and work with anyone. He is even best friends with Peter Thiel, the guy who kicked him out of Paypal. His diplomacy, social skills, and emotional intelligence is incredibly amazing. 



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Hey, how about filling more B-12 into your diet? There are many common products which consist it, and even if you don't eat meat/ animal products you can still supplement it!


I'm going to not masturbate and not watch porn by myself for 1 week and if I fail I give Cam $100

Oh my God, Cameron is going to be a millionaire one day :D

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

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