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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Journal of Thomas - Day 001

Thomas King

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Soooooo.... I feel like the first week here will be a bit of an easy one because I am visiting my mother's house. She introduced me to this program and I decided to start while I am here.

But! My computer is at home, so there isn't much temptation here and the real challenge will start when I return.

Right now I feel confident, although a little emotional. I think of how disapointed my brothers and friends will be who I play Overwatch and Satisfactory with, because it is one of the main ways we connect. I am definitly dreading the amount of time I will now have on my hands that I will have to fill with stuff.

But I am going to try and focus on sleeping well and being productive while I am here, I brought my board game that I am working on, and I always have my notebooks and pencils and writing chrome book.

But definitly the hardest part of this will be the time when I don't have anything that immediatly calls out to me, and I will have to will myself to either do nothing, find some random thing to do, or (god forbid) play video games. My brain's instinct is to always play video games, and when I am not doing anything else my brain begs me to play, so learning to work with that and stay productive will be difficult.

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