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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Posted (edited)

Day 0, 8:30 AM


New troll here (warcraft reference). I feel like my use of video game and social media is detrimental, and therefore, I aim to stop using all of this for at least 90 days. 

I intend to update this journal daily, and "reset" it to day 0 each time I relapse.

Should be interesting

TTFN, so you next time on day 01

Update 9/11/2022

Adding a new objective : I am not allowed to spend time on the internet (not youtube and social media, that's still off limit) reading the news and going on wikipedia when I should be working (aka, before I accomplish at least 6hours of work). I am starting to realize that this whole thing is less about it being an addiction and more about me trying to avoid work, so I'll try to put a stop to this, it's getting really annoying


Update 9/24/2022

The update at 9/11/2022 didn't work, had several relapse... lets just say it's bothering me a lot. I think I'll just stop using the internet unless it's for school related uses, so I am doping this whole 6 hours of work thing, it gradually lead me to "Well if I can use social media, why not go on youtube?". Yeah... this didn't end well. So this is a full restart now! 

Update 10/03/2022

I am making two new rule

Objective 02, as of today I'll

- Wake up at 6h15

- Make and drink a coffee coffee

- Brush my teeth and get dressed for god's sake (added that one)

- Do 15 minutes of work


And most importantly, Rule No 01

I engage myself to give 50$ in donation to this website each time that I break the rules that I've established here, and that, for a period of 90 days


Update 11/06/2022

Objective 02 is now

- Wake up at 6h00 am

- Make and drink coffee


Update 12/10/2022

I am adding a third objective, from now on

- I must start working at 8:30 am

- I must accomplish 7h00 of work per day

The definition of work include anything from school studying/practicing activities and job related work


Update 12/13/2022

I am changing the rules for objective 03, it is now

- Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow)

- Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30

- Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30

- If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00

*** NOTE

Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work.


       01: Not allowed to play video games, and use social medias for non educative purpose

      02 : Wake up at 6h00 am

               Make and drink coffee

       03 :

- Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow)

- Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30

- Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30

- If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00

*** NOTE

Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work.



      01 : Donate 50$ to this website every time that I fail to accomplish 01 of those objective during the day





Edited by Lemynaded
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Day 01

Everything ok so far!

But even then I still feel like I need to push myself to do anything.


I Joined a studying forum today, started a journal there too, but it's about studying a set amount of time everyday for 90 days. So basically, it's the same thing then here, just different.

I wonder how this is going to go. Should be fine ish.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Day 0, at 10h30pm ish

I surprised myself yesterday, I was working on some homework, and without even thinking I sorta just figured, huh, some music would be nice, and went on youtube. Then, after like 20 minutes I remembered that I was doing this challenge.

I am starting to notice how much of a reflex all of this is (that whole social media = DOPAMINE thing). Found it interesting in a way, and something to keep in mind from now on.

Not giving up on this

Bye bye now

Edited by Lemynaded
  • Like 1

Hi, why the reset though? Did you game or went on social media after cheking out some music on Youtube?

Hope you did not make the same mistake I did: trying to give up everything cold turkey at once is tough. Now,  gaming is most detrimental for me so I sort of focus on that first.

Anyway getting 01 day in total is good. Hope you write more, and longer.

Best of luck

1 hour ago, LostRiver said:

Hi, why the reset though? Did you game or went on social media after cheking out some music on Youtube?

Hope you did not make the same mistake I did: trying to give up everything cold turkey at once is tough. Now,  gaming is most detrimental for me so I sort of focus on that first.

Anyway getting 01 day in total is good. Hope you write more, and longer.

Best of luck

Nah, but I consider that youtube count as social media


Day 3, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30Pm

Took me three days, but I just noticed the days won counter, between my member ID and joined date.

What is this tinny thing


Hey Lemynaded, awesome that you're quitting and wanting to make better use of your time.

It sounds like a full-on detox doing gaming and social media at the same time. I would struggle. Netflix has definitely been a crutch on my journey so far.

I also haven't worked out how to use the 'days counter' thing.

  • Like 1

Day 4, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30Pm

Hey, thanks for the reply!

18 hours ago, blueclouds said:

Hey Lemynaded, awesome that you're quitting and wanting to make better use of your time.

It sounds like a full-on detox doing gaming and social media at the same time. I would struggle. Netflix has definitely been a crutch on my journey so far.

Honnestly I've been doing ok so far. It might change, but we'll get there once we get there. But hey! Even then it should be fine eventually, with all the support we get on the forum. It's just a matter of time

Posted (edited)

Day 5, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30Pm


I just finished an exam rushed, sending my homework right now


And also I am doing ok. I've been feeling some urges to go on youtube, but so far, it's been ok

Edited by Lemynaded
23 hours ago, Lemynaded said:

Day 7, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30pm



Ima try to go for the two digits


  • Like 1

Day 8, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30pm


17 hours ago, Lobares2 said:

Good luck man 🙂

Whats the name of that studying-journal forum?

Oh! It's not exactly a studying-journal forum, but it felt like a good place to make one you know. The site is called The Student Room.


10 hours ago, Paul A. said:




So! Day 8! Things are going well, not gonna lie. I DO have a break for the two next following weeks, and I know I am prone to play video game when I feel like I have nothing to do, so it might be a bit more challenging but I am confident it will go well.

Also, I was wondering if any of you fine people knew of an exercise / workout forum where I could keep a daily journal like this, I always wanted to get into daily exercise but never had the motivation to stick to it.

  • Like 1

What do you mean with having a ‚break‘ like allowing yourself to play? Is there a reason for that?


I used to track everything here on gq. I had a counter for everything, sports, studying, no gaming etc that worked pretty well 🙂 But there are definitely also workout forums with daily journals. Sadly I only know a few in my native language. 

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Lobares2 said:

What do you mean with having a ‚break‘ like allowing yourself to play? Is there a reason for that?


I used to track everything here on gq. I had a counter for everything, sports, studying, no gaming etc that worked pretty well 🙂 But there are definitely also workout forums with daily journals. Sadly I only know a few in my native language. 

I meant break as in school break.

You know vacations

I'll try to look for some workout forums, thanks for your input 🙂

  • Like 1

Ohh I see

Yea definitely take care, boring times = ‚hey I could play a bit‘ etc 😄 Pretty standard thing for most of the people here. I think overwhelming work(eg stress) AND boredom are two big triggers for relapsing.

  • Like 1

Day 9, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30pm

Hey we're getting close to day 10, nice.

Yesterday was a good day, weather was nice. Nothing of note happened though.

Didn't manage to work as much as I wanted.


Yep, that's pretty much it


Day 10, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30pm

Hey day 10, we're in the double digits! Hurray!

Going to be honest though I started to feel actual urges to play video game / binge youtube videos recently.


Might be because of boredom... But then again, the reason why I am so bored in the first place is probably because whatever I am doing right now just isn't as fun as playing video game / binge watching.

And uh... well, I mean that's why doing this detox in the first place. So I guess I ought to see it as a good thing. 


Aside from that, I actually found a workout forum called nerd fitness (love the name btw) , and I've considered starting a daily workout journal over there. 

  • Like 1

Remind yourself that those thoughts and urges to play will decrease a lot with time. After a few weeks you will only have a few peaks here and there(which probably never will be gone) but most of the time you will just follow your goals. At the start its always like going cold turkey -> more free time -> use this time for something meaningful and be successful in that. Its important to be successful in what you do because that is the dopamin trigger and leads to being even more productive. 

  • Like 1

Day 11, streak since 7/15/2022 10:30pm


13 hours ago, Lobares2 said:

Remind yourself that those thoughts and urges to play will decrease a lot with time. After a few weeks you will only have a few peaks here and there(which probably never will be gone) but most of the time you will just follow your goals.

Looking forward to that.

Today I feel fine, and I know I'll pretty much be busy all day so it will be a good day

Posted (edited)

Day 12 streak since 7/15/2022 10:30pm

Yesterday was fun

I got to see my dad after a long time, we ate steak, went on the water, talked a bunch, good times.

Finally started this workout, started keeping a journal on that other website I mentioned. This makes me happy, I hope it eventually pushes me in being productive in the morning.

Oh ! And I am going camping during the weekend, won't be able to update this journal until monday

Edited by Lemynaded

Day 15, steak since 7/15/2022

Just came back from my camping trip.

The whole place was gorgeous, I enjoyed every second of it.

Also we came back with some beer, in my case, I bought a brown ale and a dark ale. Tasted the brown one, bloody delicious.

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