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My Journal - SpiNips


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Today was a cool day. I studied, exercised and played Catan with my friends. The best moment of today was eating freshly baked plum jam pastries.

Figures that it is not worth it breaking my online journaling habits. I'll just write as I feel is the best even though some posts might be more compact than others. It's a part of being a laconic Finn. 

I've made a little progress with the Slight Edge and I'm about halfway there. Going to finish it before I start Manson's new book. While browsing Goodreads I've found good books to read.

Those pesky russians are good at Chess! 

Talk about it! Kasparov and Tal are awesome! Tal is Lithuanian, but the country was still a part of the Soviet Union so it's very close.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Mandarins
  • Boards Games
  • Good books
  • Good jog
  • Fun time getting to know new people
  • cmd c ing my post before refreshing this page

Now it's time to schedule the upcoming week!

Edited by SpiNips
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Today was a cool day! School, Jiu-Jitsu and studying. We have German exchange students visiting in our house for a couple of days. It was nice to speak German with them even though mine has got a bit rusty. :D Well I'll have good time to learn the language in the two months after finals (if I still feel like studying :P). It would be awesome communicate with German when going InterRailing next summer. The best moment of today was landing as sort of helicopter armbar on a lighter chap during sparring. I lifted him up in air and turned while letting my other leg go over his head locking the elbow joint. It was fun!

Got Manson's book in a package next to me. I'm going to open it and quickly check it.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Soul music
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu being an all-body exercise
  • Delicious food
  • Online book stores
  • Going to Finland's capital tomorrow
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The best moment of today was landing as sort of helicopter armbar on a lighter chap during sparring. I lifted him up in air and turned while letting my other leg go over his head locking the elbow joint. It was fun!

The reason I never liked grappling based martial arts. The 'lighter chap' would be me. :)

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Today was a cool day. We attended an event where we were shown possible paths for future studying. I already know pretty much where I will apply after I'm done with my upper high. It was still cool to receive free pens and stuff. I did get to see some pretty awesome subjects to study. One was a clocksmith who showed me how mechanical clocks work and I ended up spending nearly an hour figuring the system out. Another great stand was the French exchange one where they gave me a free croissant and taught me to speak a little of French.

The best moment of today was reflecting our school journey together with my friend. It's weird that we are so close to the finals already. I guess it's quite clichéish to wonder how fast time passes by, but that's sure how it feels. It was a shared moment and reminded us of all the experiences and growth during these years.

The reason I never liked grappling based martial arts. The 'lighter chap' would be me. :)

Yeah, it is for sure is tough for the smaller guys – they earn my utmost respect. Little guys' dexterity and endurance usually compensates to some degree in Jiu-Jitsu. I'm currently about 70 kg, a bit under our gym's average I'd say.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Free stuff from stands
  • Muse and Oasis, music I haven't listened in a while
  • The Beatles
  • Sun shining bright today, we don't get that too much during the winter in Finland
  • Interesting places to study in our city
  • Going to sleep early 
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Today had it's ups and downs. Felt tired, but also had fun and cool moments. The best moment of today was walking in the fresh wintry air with warm clothes on while street lamps illuminated the snowy ground.

Reflected into my personal journal.

I'm grateful for these bands too, man!

Btw. You said about lighter chap. But which martial art is the best for lighter chaps? And also in case of self-defense? :)

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

I think parkour, running and quick thinking are the best for self-defense, probably applicable to weight classes all-round. :D As for martial arts I think Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu works very well for smaller guys. Actually the founders of BJJ, the Gracie family, were small in size, so they worked on creating a fighting style that would allow them to compensate for the size difference. If you look at BJJ's significance in MMA you could say they succeeded rather well. :) Are you looking to develop some martial arts skills to support your intense chemistry?

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Water, It enables life, stores a ton of energy, is denser in 4 Celsius than in 0 Celsius, good Tao quotes. It has it all.
  • A fridge full of food
  • Resting this evening
  • Free food in school
  • Smiles
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Today was good! School was good, BJJ was good, reading was good. The best moment of today was sparring in our gym. Had cool matches and fun time wrestling.

I've set myself a slight edge goal of exercising every day. So far so good, been on track with that. Maybe I could create a way of tracking these little things. We'll see. The Slight Edge is seriously impressing me with it's philosophy. I didn't notice all these nuances in this book the last time I read it. Covey has done great work with the book.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Simon and Garfunkel, Trine 2 main theme
  • Exercising boosting metabolism
  • Talking with a friend of mine from BJJ
  • reflecting on my personal journal
  • Making new friends while exercising
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I'm grateful for these bands too, man!

Btw. You said about lighter chap. But which martial art is the best for lighter chaps? And also in case of self-defense? :)

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

If BJJ doesnt suit you, you should try out krav maga. Our practises tend to be effective no matter what (a kick to the crotch hurts even if the one kicking is small ;) )

And yeah @SpiNips, the Slight Edge really is magic. Sometimes when I read it, I get this feeling that when using the slight edge, literally anything is achievable. It's mighty. 

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Today was a cool day. I went to school, studied and spent the evening in pre-Christmas parties which was super cool. The best moment of today was bathing in a hot sauna with my friends singing classical finnish songs and talking about life in general. 

I feel like it was cool to go out and celebrate – something I haven't really done in this way in two months or so. Occasionally it's good to clang a few glasses.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Supportive friends
  • Friend driving us throughout the night
  • Seeing friends I haven't seen in a while
  • Sand's great white shirt
  • Listening to Queen
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Today was a cool day. Studying, reading and working. The best moment of today was guessing a friends PIN-code when he had just one try left.

I've been doing a good bit reading and writing. I managed to write about thinking into my personal journal in a way that I was satisfied with.

I'm thinking about the habit of reading ten pages of a good book a day. I feel like it's a very good habit to have since the pages really add up. The problem why I'm not doing it yet that it's hard to find a suitable place for the habit. My morning is filled up and I feel like the evening is susceptible to too many changes and additionally when reading it's good to be in an aware and thoughtful state. Maybe the best time for it would be when coming home after school. Let's try that out.

Well, generally I don't have a concentrated acid/alkaline in my pocket in case of self defense. So these chemistry skills doesn't mix at all with martial arts :(

Yeah, that might be a bit dangerous now that I think of it. :ph34r:

If BJJ doesnt suit you, you should try out krav maga. Our practises tend to be effective no matter what (a kick to the crotch hurts even if the one kicking is small ;) )

And yeah @SpiNips, the Slight Edge really is magic. Sometimes when I read it, I get this feeling that when using the slight edge, literally anything is achievable. It's mighty. 

That's true, Krav Maga is a very effective in self-defense surely much more efficient than BJJ. BJJ is more of a sport in that sense that it has limiting rules like not kicking or punching. 

I know the feeling! Slight Edge brings with it a very idealistic feeling. I think it's Great.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Rooibos tea
  • Soul
  • A shorter day in work
  • Fresh fruits in the middle of winter
  • Cool icicles after yesterday's storm



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Today was a nice day. I went to school, read, studied, trained BJJ and saw my friends. The best moment of today was giving my friend a ride home while chatting and listening to good music on the trip.

I've come up with a couple of ideas – more on that later.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Bacon
  • The opportunity of getting to know people better when hanging one on one
  • Sparring in BJJ
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I'm thinking about the habit of reading ten pages of a good book a day. I feel like it's a very good habit to have since the pages really add up. The problem why I'm not doing it yet that it's hard to find a suitable place for the habit. My morning is filled up and I feel like the evening is susceptible to too many changes and additionally when reading it's good to be in an aware and thoughtful state. Maybe the best time for it would be when coming home after school. Let's try that out.

Couldn't you read the 10 pages in bed before putting the lights out? The evening may be changing, but surely you end up in a bed somewhere no matter what's happening? :P But yeah, maybe it's not too wise to read stuff like that when about to fall asleep. I like to do it that way though - you can contemplate what you've read as you're falling sleep, and the information sinks in during the night. 

You'll probably find out what's best for you.

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A good day despite mild existential anxiety due to my friend showing me this website (enter at your own risk). I've done my Slight Edge habits of exercising, reading and studying. I also cooked and went out to see my friend. Overall today was a good day, but there was a mild sense of anxiety and boredom. Well that comes around every now and then, best to roll with it I guess.

The best moment of today was meeting my friend. We played a couple of games of chess and did basic friend-stuff.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • The world existing as it is
  • Marvin Gaye and other soul artists' music relieving my anxiety
  • That going steady with the right easy decisions is big in the long run
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Today progressed quickly. I went to school, studied, played chess and volleyball and read. We had a winter chess cup and I managed to get to the second round. Yay! ^_^ The best moment of today was joking around with a friend of mine.

I've been thinking about how it would be cool to be acquainted with a self-development group. The idea of people interested in self-development gathering in Skype or some similar format and discussing books, goals, and supporting each other in a good environment. It could be a good opportunity to make new friends and work on oneself. I'll let this idea progress for now – Let me know what you think! :) 

what the hell did i just clicked on?!

 @Reno F, @WorkInProgress It's my post, the story of my past and future, the solution to all the worlds problems, the cure to cancer, @Simon E's upcoming book, lyrics of the song I'm listening to, great works of literature and poetry, the declaration of Independence and Sharknado's script all in one place. 

It's a combination of the permutations of letters up until 3800 pieces. It's funny to think about all the information and all the randomness found on that website. It's annoyingly fatalistic and soulless – in the end just a collection of text. Mildly distressing.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Laughing with people
  • Making new friends
  • Toto's Africa
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Today was a day with varying feelings. Nothing out of ordinary though. I went to school, trained BJJ, studied, cooked and read. The best moment of today was cooking and eating good food.

Today I met some disrespectful and mean people in our school and it felt very weird. Our school has an awesome, open atmosphere being specialized in performing arts so I have met very few disrespectful and downturning people during the past years. Hoping to keep that up myself as well.

I did all my planned Slight Edge actions for today. 

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Curry spicing up my cookings
  • Studying maths with my friend – It's surprisingly motivational to be partnered with someone who is really good. It helps me to focus on improving myself.
  • Getting to know my teacher better; Relationships are great overall
  • Fresh and fatty sour milk
  • Doing stuff with guys – Gatherer-hunter genes still working. Does somebody know if there really is some co-hunting oriented part coded into our nature?
  • Earth, WInd and Fire
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Today has been a long day. I went to school, developed a new sport, studied, jogged, read and watched a documentary about a guy pursuing happiness. Watching the doc made me really anxious, maybe I'm finding a part of me from that film as well. The best moment of today was talking about wandering with a friend of mine. I'd love to do it once again. It was a great experience to wander in Lapland back in 2014. 

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Listening
  • Good Self-development books, I finished the Slight Edge today and some strong feelings arose regarding the film,
  • Journaling and writing your thoughts uncensored along the flow of thought
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I read some of your early posts (stalker warning?), and the similarities between our feelings/thoughts are pretty striking. Then again, that's something I discover when reading most of the journals here on the forum - we are not as different from one another as we might think. 

Btw, I'm curious; how long have you been without gaming now?

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Today has been a resting day. I went out to party yesterday with my friends. It was fun to spend time with those guys and girls, party and dance. I've been doing my habits of exercising, studying and reading. The best moment of today was my grandmother paying a visit and eating here.

I've reflected quite a bit on my journal this weekend. Resting and taking a step back to observe life has been worth it.

I read some of your early posts (stalker warning?), and the similarities between our feelings/thoughts are pretty striking. Then again, that's something I discover when reading most of the journals here on the forum - we are not as different from one another as we might think. 

Btw, I'm curious; how long have you been without gaming now?

I've noticed that as well! It's great to be around people with similar interests. Sometimes you get unexpected ideas and inspiration from people who work with same kind of problems. 

I definitely feel you with not being as different from one another as we think. I've noticed this at camps where you get to know people on a deeper level. There have been way more shared thoughts and feelings than I would've guessed meeting them in the common daily life. It's kind of a relieving to notice not being so unique of a snowflake in the end.

It's usually about the number of whole pages of journal times ten, checking from r/Stopgaming the counter seems to be at 532 days, so it's surprisingly accurate. ^_^ 

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Catching a Steppenwolf reference in the series House
  • Living an active life
  • Jung's interesting psychology and how it is expressed in Hesse's novels
  • Spending relatively little money yesterday
  • Salmon
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