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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Posted (edited)

March 8, 2022. Welcome to my new journal "The Simple Life" in spirit of celebration and accountability, let's do this!

First, gratitude to GTS podcast #39 "How to Stop Escaping into Video Games" - James is the speaker's name if I recall correctly and having taken time out of my evening last night to take notes, this message got through to me really fast how and why I need to put down the gaming right now in my own life. I have completed a full 90 day detox in the past and I know what needs to be done, I am wiling to do it. In my past journal it seems I tried taking on too many new changes for my life at once but in this journal I am putting to practice what I learned in the aforementioned podcast above, here are a few relative notes:

No BIG lists of things to do every day, do the opposite! Before you go to sleep, write down one thing that you want to get done the next day. When you wake up, complete that one task in the morning. With that done you have now made progress and achieved a goal for the day, you have won the day! These add up FAST and is HUGE in bringing you success of all kinds.

Edited by goodvibes
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I have been gaming since at least since the end of summer 2020 after hurricane knocked our power out for a solid week. In hindsight I did not journal here during that time of weakness though I may have been somewhere, I was taking on other addictions as well. That aside, something as simple as camping outside could have prevented relapse. Regardless it is all in the past and now I begin my efforts to thrive again. Really good feeling about this guys. I really enjoy the accountability this platform offers us.

As for my one goal this morning I have started getting games gone, not 100% there but it is progress and is a start! This is going to be a great week ahead 😁

Quote by Alexander Den Heijer, Inspirational Speaker.
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
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Posted (edited)

Got most of my games deleted today and my goal tomorrow morning is to have them all gone!

Steadily working to get an IP site ban against my address so I can't even make new characters. I guess I could force game servers to do this by logging in way more than the allowed amount of game characters at one time but I prefer the diplomatic solution over being a jackass. Some of these online game admin policies are against giving site bans on request I have found so if the appeal to the game hosts fail then I guess its going to be leading to many policy violations. I'm no stranger to this. Back in the day me and a buddy used to log in to online games at school we didnt like with VERY obnoxious name choices. The end result was usually earning the entire school a site ban to said games.

EDIT. that is not Simple Life thinking at all. taking time to consider there are many additional games and even clones of games out there, I couldn't possibly get a site ban to every relevant game let alone take time to ensure site bans are maintained.  At least I believe I can maintain discipline to keep those games out of sight and out of mind but I also think a great answer to this is to find a Linux distribution that has no games installed, no games inside its repository, and no packages available to alternative repositories. That may well not exist yet I will see!

Edited by goodvibes
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Steam games removed, account deletion request in progress, all known computer games removed minus the clients awaiting deletion and requested site bans. double checked root folders, repositories, and rofi program launcher. My goal for the morning feels quite accomplished.

Long Term Goal Thought:  It is a desire at the moment to learn to do all my computing tasks directly from TTY as I remove my Linux operating system GUI from the boot process. Preferably make it impossible to use that startx command to be incapable of entering GUI at all.  Sure it's not totally isolated from games but it feels like a good direction. Most games are developed these days with a dependency on GUI existence.


I would like to thank you Cam if you happen across this journal entry, not so highly important I flag down your attention with a tag, but that recent video on youtube really called out to me and really became the basis for listening to some old GTS podcasts and reflecting on starting this new detox so thank you much gratitude!

if anyone would like to watch the vid it was this one right here:  4 Types of Gamers (which one are you?)

2 hours ago, goodvibes said:

Singing Bowl sound bath anyone? This is by far my favorite one so far:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq8snFSEwlU

This is wonderful.  Going to be using this a lot I think.  Haven't heard of 432Hz but after googling it I am very intrigued.



2 hours ago, goodvibes said:

Steam games removed, account deletion request in progress, all known computer games removed minus the clients awaiting deletion and requested site bans. double checked root folders, repositories, and rofi program launcher. My goal for the morning feels quite accomplished.

Long Term Goal Thought:  It is a desire at the moment to learn to do all my computing tasks directly from TTY as I remove my Linux operating system GUI from the boot process. Preferably make it impossible to use that startx command to be incapable of entering GUI at all.  Sure it's not totally isolated from games but it feels like a good direction. Most games are developed these days with a dependency on GUI existence.

You and me both we are in with the account deletion.  We got this!  That's an awesome goal, I'm not sure what it exactly is but it sounds technical and something to work towards, I'm only two semesters into my computer science degree and liking it so far.  Good luck and Good vibes to you 🙂

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48 minutes ago, JoshXVG said:

This is wonderful.  Going to be using this a lot I think.  Haven't heard of 432Hz but after googling it I am very intrigued.

You and me both we are in with the account deletion.  We got this!  That's an awesome goal, I'm not sure what it exactly is but it sounds technical and something to work towards, I'm only two semesters into my computer science degree and liking it so far.  Good luck and Good vibes to you 🙂

Thanks for the lucky good vibe wishes right back atcha! I know basically nothing about the Hz frequencies but that video is great at muffling out other noise about and is quite pleasantly stimulating to my ears .. probably exceptionally good stuff if you live in a busy city area. CS stem degree nice choice I have heard for awhile what type of job are you hoping to land after graduation?

Similar in appearance to Microsoft's DOS Disk Operating System, TTY is a Linux command line interface allowing you to interact with the operating system with keyboard-driven commands. Can use it with internet and text-based browsers too - its a goal of mine to get a CLI youtube player going that can playback videos within a TTY by converting them to ASCII, text art!


Hi yall hope ur doing well

Just wanted to point an important thing about quitting games and that is to find good and healthy replacement habits and to stick to them no matter what

Deleting accounts is already a good step but if you don't do the above you'll find your selves wasting your time on other  non productive stuff like compulsive internet usage

It's easy to fall back on other dopamine traps like porn ,  streams and social media but those won't get you anywhere near your goals and make you feel bad , better avoided

Good luck and don't falter


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36 minutes ago, WildRiftQuitter said:

find good and healthy replacement habits and to stick to them no matter what

a great point that can be very easy to lose sight of - thank you for your input Wild!

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Had a morning goal today of backing up computer before changing Linux boot processes. This has become complicated because I am in the process of rebuilding the backup bash scripts to not back up game data. I lost the morning in a sense because the goal was too big for that time frame but I can still win the day!  good vibes to all 🌞

54 minutes ago, WildRiftQuitter said:

It's easy to fall back on other dopamine traps like porn ,  streams and social media but those won't get you anywhere near your goals and make you feel bad , better avoided

The other two past detox's I completed had eventually become undermined by such traps even though I fought back quite well. This also requires my present attention and I will fight them away to the best of my abilities, thank you! I think by learning to operate in the TTY terminal-only environment this will be a great step into resisting my worst detox adversary ever of my free time which has been surfing the internet altogether. I hope GameQuitters is compatible with text browsers! I have attempted detox in the past going completely unplugged and it was too much too soon. I had rented a ton of books from the public library but in reality they just sat on the floor mostly untouched as I have never been much of a book guy though I should be able to make that a reality with practice and persistance .. additional hobbies and habits like you say are needed and you have to stick with them!

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The day has been won in my eyes. No I did not complete the system backup I set out to do today but I did make progress to that effort and it will simply take a little more time. Routine maintenance like this is a stress relief to me so this is perfectly fine that it requires a little more attention, soon I will have everything gathered for a full migration to a clean system as well. Soon to be done, It is good thing to be getting rid of all the forgotten pieces and shadows left from heavy gaming that could be found all over the computer file structure.

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Computer goal got took off the schedule this morning and may not have time to do that until Sunday, I will definitely finish that! So what could possibly have been so important to do instead? Big grocery & gasoline shopping trip before prices go up more! Had also stopped by a local plant nursery and purchased a big indoor plant for the bedroom. Supposed to be good for keeping indoor air quality (IAQ) in tip top shape. This video here was discussing this and also cited a study done by NASA too. My IAQ is terrible we have been fighting mold for a long time now I hope this helps out some!


Today had visited awhile with family I hadn't seen much lately which was pretty nice for a change and on another note the house plant I bought yesterday is too big for sleeping with but definitely improves IAQ so it gets to live in living room for now. I feel that the house plant is a fine size but maybe making air too fresh, may buy smaller house plant for bedroom and try that instead later!


Spring forward daylight savings in case anyone forgot! Spent the morning learning as much as possible about watering and feeding the houseplant. Will definitely return to finish the computer maintenance before the weekend hit but sometimes things that require more urgent attention come up. This still improved an area of my life I can put into immediate practice and I have not totally forgotten about computer goals, this is a clear win. I will no doubt be spending time learning how to collect clean rain water & doing it as well as making my own plant food compost as well though all in due time, no hurry. One goal at a time, one day at a time.

You know I started my very first game detox in March also a few years ago .. I think seeing new seasons start to take shape is a big catalyst to change for us.

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Jumping on the main file backups today and that is making progress for my progress as I listen to some Tony Robbins motivational speaking about progress! 

A quote, "People ask me all the time 'What does it take to be happy?'  I always tell them it's really simple, one word, progress.  Progress equals happiness.  If you keep growing, you're gonna feel alive and if you keep growing, you're gonna have more to give and when you're growing and giving that's when life is magnificent."

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spent most of the computer time clearing out excess storage because it needed to happen anyway and so the data backup will take less time on slow tech.  data transfer not complete so aborting tonight and restarting in morning we have lightning anyway and i am tired for sleep, to be continued!

lots of small goals done today: data backed up, system deleted, system reinstalled, and modified the new boot process so it loads directly to the Linux TTY keyboard-only interface! This journal update is done using a terminal text-based browser from within the TTY, it is a goal to get used to completing regular tasks every day from this minimal operating environment. Yet to fully decide wether or not to completely brick the startx GUI from being able to load, pros and cons both ways but currently there is an option to load the GUI to run a normal GUI browser, GUI apps etc if need be. Have already been used to operating inside GUI PTY terminals so this will be a fun experience that removes a lot of distracting clickbait eye candy I usually succumb to. Yes you, YouTube!

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So today was pretty cool as I learned I can watch videos in TTY full color by using

mpv -vo=drm

I then got a looping bash alias written that uses the Linux "termdown" program to assist with doing home workouts. I got a pretty intense full body day put in as I got everything working just how I wanted by tweaking the script little by little throughout the day.  This is all the goals I accomplished today but this bash alias will serve me well building new workout routines and adapting to new exercises!  I might even try to get this alias further developed into an actually packaged program, good night GQ!


No BIG lists of things to do every day, do the opposite! Before you go to sleep, write down one thing that you want to get done the next day. When you wake up, complete that one task in the morning. With that done you have now made progress and achieved a goal for the day, you have won the day! These add up FAST and is HUGE in bringing you success of all kinds.

This has been my experience also. But then it might be tied to my personality type. However despite that I believe the fundamental principle is right. KISS (I am sure you know what the acronym stands for in programming 😉 )


EDIT. that is not Simple Life thinking at all.

It's great you can do such reflection! The ability to step up is at least super-helpful, if not essential.


Got most of my games deleted today and my goal tomorrow morning is to have them all gone!

I did that in my past. The furthest I went was to delete save games and uninstall. I am impressed by your dedication and burning the bridges!


Singing Bowl sound bath anyone? This is by far my favorite one so far:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq8snFSEwlU

If you like that kind of music, I can wholeheartedly recommend this


It has super energy. Every song is great and every is brimmed with energy. Quite an opposite to the usual calming ones. It's like an ode to life.

Not sure where you can get it digitally and for free though...


as I listen to some Tony Robbins motivational speaking about progress!

I like him too! I read the Awaken the Giant Within and it changed my view on many things. Mostly it made me realize with no regrets that I am responsible for my life - that it's me who chooses the reaction to events in life. You can't control what befalls you. You can control how you choose to interpret it. This made me much more at ease with negative things in my life. Think zen panda. 😄


ASCII video example:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55iwMYv8tGI&t=1232s

Wow, I like that very much! Immediatelly reposted!


I then got a looping bash alias written that uses the Linux "termdown" program to assist with doing home workouts. I got a pretty intense full body day put in as I got everything working just how I wanted by tweaking the script little by little throughout the day.  This is all the goals I accomplished today but this bash alias will serve me well building new workout routines and adapting to new exercises!  I might even try to get this alias further developed into an actually packaged program, good night GQ!

You have impressive skills. Say, would you be willing to help me with my school IoT project? 😄 Need to set up Rapberry with NodeRed and static IP so that remote app can connect to it. I already have NodeRed installed on Raspbian, but I am too intimidated by 50-pages long technical manual how to set up static IP with it 😄 Simply put, I don't speak Linuxeeese 😄

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2 hours ago, Sowelu said:

I already have NodeRed installed on Raspbian, but I am too intimidated by 50-pages long technical manual how to set up static IP with it

DM me to motivate you further here, with this one I recommend using either a search engine or the operating system maintainer's wiki. I don't think Raspbian has a good wiki. You could try using a popular well maintained OS wiki like Arch Linux but the issue there is the OS file structure, file relevance, and available tools could all be different .. Your best bet is likely to search in a search engine for "how to complete <your task> in raspbian" .. Raspberry Pi basically == Raspbian just FYI, good luck!

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Posted (edited)

Came to say that I'm also impressed by your skills with Linux. I've been trying to get the perfect operating environment set up for my unique situation and really wish I had more bash programming skills. I've had my hands full just trying to nail down my basic software configurations for stuff like zsh and dwm.

I've also thought about abandoning the GUI environment in the past, but the modern web just doesn't seem suited to terminal browsers. It's true that any website with actual merit can be enjoyed through text alone, but diagrams can also be highly edifying at times; more or less so depending on the thing you're trying to learn about. Still, if you find you can get by just as well without a GUI I fully encourage you to do so. Somehow I get the feeling a person at your level has already considered the possibility of switching to less powerful hardware, and found it either unhelpful for avoiding gaming or counterproductive due to your computing requirements.

If you've got time I'd really like to learn more about how you made your home workout scripts. As someone who practices boxing I've always wanted a simple way to output random punch combinations at an adjustable rate, like coaches will sometimes do for athletes in practice. 

Edited by Zubb
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