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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Hmmge

  1. Hmmge

    Day 6!

    Have you thought what to replace gaming with? You seem to mention that you get bored often - my first guess would be that there is nothing that really motivates you outside of gaming. Kung-fu is great, I highly encourage that, but it's only for a few hours per week, it's not an activity you can do anytime you have some free time. Sorry if you mention this in the journal, I didn't read that much, but if you didn't - this should be the #1 priority. What do you want to do?
  2. You haven't managed to do this in any journal entry yet. What's your plan? Perhaps some change?
  3. I noticed this in my life as well. I think it's some weird social dynamic, where it's easier for us to be socially dominant/lead with a quieter person and therefore can be more outspoken and enjoy ourselves more. At least it is that way for me I noticed. Maybe it doesn't apply to you, I only skimmed through, but hey. Two cents
  4. You are making big changes. Whenever you do that, you ego rebels against your new environment - be it mental or physical. Doesn't matter if it's for the better or worse. The body and brain are amazing at maintaining the same equilibrium. This can be easily illustrated on your body temperature - doesn't matter the environment, the body wants to adjust to the same level until it runs out of energy. It will do literally all it takes to get to the center point of comfort. This is how your mind operates - your mind knows you have had a cushy time before and you can survive that way - so it wants to return to that point. It thinks keeping you the way you are is minimizing your risk of death the most. Your ego doesn't know you can be more fulfilled and happy in a different place. It tries to maintain an equilibrium and maximize your chance of survival. So if you make big changes, your mind will naturally try to keep you stuck. Don't worry about it - just accept it as part of the process. I've come to enjoy it in a sense! You know that when your mind is rebelling, you are probably growing, moving forward. It's like muscle soreness. It is 'uncomfortable', but I've come to absolutely love the feeling because when I have it, I know I pushed myself hard and the muscles are growing. Your brain is the same. Because you have these feelings, you are not a loser, on the contrary - you are a winner because of them.
  5. Stopping endlessly consuming content has been part of my struggle as well. From a certain point of view it can be even more difficult to root out, because it doesn't feel like it's very damaging. When it comes to gaming, once you realize the negative impact, it is very striking if you've truly been addicted and you want to change. But just watching anime? I mean c'mon - everybody watches TV series right? Right. Most people are also unhappy with their lives. Becoming a producer instead of a consumer is a subtle, but very important issue that all people face. Many don't even realize the impact that mindless consuming is having on their POTENTIAL lives. Because you can have a nice cushy life watching TV your whole life. Plenty of people do. But is that the best way to live? Doubt it. Not for me and obviously, not for you. Good luck!
  6. There is another way you don't know about. Get the book.
  7. I highly highly recommend the book(or even better - audiobook) Crushing it! By Gary Vaynerchuk, or if you don't want to spend money, then just checking out one of his keynote speeches. Although you should really not be stingy about 15 or so bucks when it comes to unbelievably valuable books that can change a life. Anyways, the point is - in the book he talks about how you can become successful doing what you love. It's not just the old cliche advice "Be yourself, work hard, get employed, hope a publisher notices you". He gives a unique perspective on how you can use modern tools and brand building to absolutely penetrate the world with whatever art you do. Practical examples of people who have done it included, such as a dentist, fashion designer or a wine taster(Gary himself). Educate yourself outside the box and you will find other ways, guaranteed.
  8. Lol what the fuck are you serious? That's hardcore hahah. Regarding vaping though, I stumbled upon this today - just read the title as I'm not THAT interested in the topic and need to focus on other things, but it might be good news for you! (woah, GQ embeds reddit posts. TIL)
  9. I would say - don't overthink the new journal. Just write something. You can always edit later. Or just keep posting in this one for now. I don't think I have a single journal entry that I didn't edit, even if for just typos haha
  10. WELL, TOM TO THE RESCUE THEN! Have you heard about - SWING METAL? If not, let it become your favorite genre of all right now.
  11. I love that feeling, when you get immersed in your hustle so much that you are actually tired - not just uncomfortable - but legit tired at the end of the day and you know you did a good job. Keeup it up! :)
  12. Bro you seem to be really talented at this haha. I think when it comes to game, it is good to use the 20/80 rule. Use 20% of your time to get the 80% of value out of it. I don't think you or me want to live the RSD instructor life where all they do is pick up girls, that would be the remaining 20% value that requires the other 80% of the time. But with investing just a bit of time into this thing, I have gained a TON of confidence, open-mindedness, ability to be more loose and comfortable around new people and even some nice results. Go for it!
  13. Except the obvious things you've surely heard before - I'll suggest trying changing your body language. My body language is pretty shit because I'm focusing on other things right now, but whenever I get to employ this concept, I immediately see improvement in my energy and confidence levels. I'm not going to rant this time, rather, check out this TED talk
  14. Oh. Bamboozled. Yeah I get stuck reading guides and such as well sometimes. As long as you actually need that piece of knowledge and it's the best way to get it - it is 'work' for sure. But it's important to keep in mind what you are reading it FOR - to build. The moment you know how to build, then build. Once you don't know, then you should learn. I think we should be asking ourselves at every point 'what is the most valuable thing I could be doing right now?' - if the answer is studying how-to's, then it's good.
  15. Hm.. so I checked your shop - two days ago I think? And it still had the same 5 camo pants. So I started writing this massive rant, but then I opened it and I see some very nice progress! So yeah, umm I deleted some parts, but here's the gist I'm watching your journey, it's very inspiring, but if I may have advice for you even though I'm not experienced with this or anything, I'm just basically repeating a synthesized set of opinions of the influencers I follow... You NEED more patience. I know you can't wait to break out of your 9-to-5 and make enough money to travel to a different country every week. I'm in the same boat with you buddy. I'm reaching such levels of excitement that I haven't felt for years(except that one time that I discovered RSD lol). In the following couple months, I truly believe my life will absolutely explode! ...in the good way. But here's the thing - we need to keep our heads cool despite the excitement and eagerness. Otherwise we become unstable and will falter. I'm following Kevin David on youtube for some tutorials on shopify, FB ads etc. because I'm really new to this, I literally discovered the marketing world 2 weeks ago - but you know what he says about product testing? You should test FIVE PRODUCTS PER DAY. Dude the life you want to build does not come easily. Even though social media and fullfilment services are a gigantic opportunity we have, it still requires a fuckton of work and patience. I'm not saying that you MUST do shopify or even physical products. If you want to be a writer - absolutely go for it and crush it. But seriously go and crush it! Realize that there will be obstacles on every corner. It's guaranteed. Every successful person will tell you the same thing - it's harder than it looks. Don't get discouraged if the first thing fails. Try another one! Don't get discouraged if that fails, don't even get discouraged when your 50th thing fails. As long as you learn and know what to improve on the next go - keep at it. Entrepreneurship is not the easy money, as some people make it seem. If it was, everybody would be ballin'. But who's the only one ballin' ? The ones who persevered through all the bullshit and failure, learned and improved. Good luck my man I trust you can do this and one day we'll shake hands IRL and exchange our stories of success. p.s. the camo pug is hilarious
  16. This thing does need a strong resolve. But trust me it gets very enjoyable quite quickly. I'm feeling absolutely fantastic after just two weeks. I quit league many times(without trying to quit other games). When I was at my worst, years ago, I got so pissed off at myself that I quit when I was like 20LP away from diamond. Even though my emotions(=cravings) wanted me to keep going, I knew it was completely utterly retarded. I'll get to diamond, and people will still tell me I suck. When you get to challenger, people will tell you you suck. When you go pro for fucks sake, people will still hate on you. And I knew I did NOT want to go pro. So what's the point? I thought if it doesn't matter which league I'm in - I still 'suck' - why would I even try to get to diamond? As you said, NOBODY really cares. It gives you 0 happiness. It's just some arbitrary points you can't buy absolutely nothing for. It only satisfies the urges that never end, but rather get reinforced forever until you get fat and depressed. At which point they actually get even stronger. You have identified this is an addiction. Treat it seriously. Glad you're back and if you decide to return to the detox - good luck!
  17. One of the best books I've read by far!
  18. I would narrow down the problem into two main factors: Negative habit loop Our mind associates places, people or even objects with feelings and actions that we took previously. Quite literally in the brain, the same connections between the same structure of neurons are strengthened whenever we repeat a pattern such as 'open laptop -> open reddit'. If we do this for years it is very hard to break the negative habit loop as it reinforces itself. Repeating the same pattern gives you a sense of sense of certainty, which is one of basic psychological needs. Fear Fear of change, of the unknown. In a very abstract and unconscious way of course. There is a certain self-esteem or identity that every person gives/associates with themselves. If we do certain activities in a certain pattern for long enough, they subconsciously become our identity. "I am the guy who procrastinates a lot", "I am the gamer". "I have addictive personality". "I don't want to waste time on youtube but that's just what I do all the time". If we then become conscious of this and want to change, what we actually want to change is our identity. The 'letting go of our previous self' kinda thing. That's why I believe it's so difficult. Because it's not just changing a habit pattern. It goes much deeper as subconsciously we associate long-term behaviors to our personality and ego. Changing or getting rid of our identity/ego is one of the most difficult things in life. This is how I personally think 'privilege' works. I believe what makes a person successful(whatever their definition of success is) is not the resources(money, social benefits), but rather resourcefulness(knowledge and confidence how to obtain these). And I believe every person has the same potential and ability to suceed at literally anything they want(not considering physical disabilities). The difference is that people are born into different environments, come into contact with different teachers and content and develop different identities that include resourcefulness and self-esteem. It is then up to the person to recognize that and change accordingly - some have it more difficult, some less. Anyways just rambling. I'm not sure what the best way to change this is. Probably some combination of productivity systems(detox, time management, reward systems etc.) and deep introspection(meditation, visualization, contemplation..). I think I got the right strategy for me personally, slowly working my way through the detox and a little habit-building system. As my pessimistic friend always says: "Life is hard man".
  19. My dosage has slowly ramped up to 3-4 cups of coffee per day over the years. I think I might have to do this eventually as well
  20. I also got a haircut todayt! ^^ Indeed it is good to take that extra time to sort things out outside of the usual realm of career. Sometimes even super little things like tidying up the room or getting an over-due haircut feels like cleansing the soul and leaving opportunity to grow! Good luck!
  21. Hey @Pierce, I read some of your earlier journal entries and you seemed to have a similar goal that I currently have - to minimize or even quit watching videos that are not necessary for any development/education purpose. Since you don't really mention it anymore, I was wondering what's the status on that? Did you experience a permanent improvement? Good luck on the journey! :)
  22. Good job on being productive despite getting up in the afternoon, I rarely can do that. Going to sleep earlier should help a lot with overall well-being, make sure you get there!
  23. for opening the journal. This is a deal-breaker, it will keep you on the path and document it at the same time. Good luck!
  24. Good luck friend. When you combine the detox with journaling and a proper strategy, it's a guaranteed way to victory. I really feel like this is it - for all of us! Just a quick note: the second part of pomodoro is supposed to be legal procrastination to ease off the pressure, not another type of work! I used the method for a while, it's very powerful.
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