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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Attempt #2


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Day 9 (10% completed before reaching lvl 1):

Sorry Cam, but I'm more of a Habs fan! French Canadian here! However, if any Canadian team can finally win the cup after 23 years, it would be awesome. So, in a way, Go Flames go! 

Today was a good day. The first good day! I woke up early, still tired but feeling quite good. On my way to school, there was problems with the subway, but I managed to get to school on time. My day went by extremely fast and I talked to people gladly, something I would not do before starting this. People noticed that I was talking again and I was told: "Phil's back!"

I'm still on my way, but it is indeed true that my social interractions are slowly but surely coming back.

After school, I had a lot of energy and I danced (very badly, but it was fun). My dad said that I was "too excited" and that I was "the worst dancer ever", which was funny, but true. 

I then went to see my girlfriend and her job and went to her house.

I cleaned my desk in my room that I use for school work. I moved my computer downstairs. I use it for school, however I have to admit that I watched videos for about 45 minutes. 

I started the NoFap. 3 days in. 

I feel pretty good already.

Weekly goals: Clean my room (only my clothes to put in order!) and drop resumes.

Have a great day/goodnight/good evening!


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It's good that you're starting with simple little habits like cleaning. This is a good way to improve your discipline in other areas of your life. You asked whether reading can replace gaming, where once you loved it. I say, it can and I'm a living proof. After quitting games, I've enjoyed reading once again!


Haha, I love reading now. Before, I never finished a book in my life. But after quitting games, I actually managed to finish ONE BOOK! I'm about to finish another one. 

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Day 10: (11.11% completed before reaching lvl 1) 

Today was a good day! I spent the entire morning with my girlfriend and we watched tv (my class was canceled). I then went to my afternoon class and nailed my exam (I think). 

After that, I went to eat with my dad, stepmother, brother, step-sister and her girlfriend. I pretty much messed around with my brother, we laughed the whole time. 

Then, I went home and immediatly went to my best friend's house, where we watched hockey and talked about random stuff. 

I just came back home and I will go to sleep.

Weekly goals: Catch up on school work, laundry, clean my bedrom floor.

Have a great day/goodnight/good evening!


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Day 11: (12.2 % completed before reaching lvl 1)

Today was not a good day. I woke up pretty late and as soon as my dad saw me get out of my room, he just told me to hurry up and do my chores. I took a shower and had to vacuum my room. Then, I had to clean the toilets and the bath. After that, I had to rake the leafs in the front yard and it took me quite some time. After all that, I finally ate and I had no motivation to do anything else all day.

I waited for the supper and I wasn't really in the mood to talk to my step family or whatever it's called. I ate fast and rushed to watch the hockey game. I didn't want to deal with them anymore and I just could not laugh at their "jokes". Vagina jokes aren't my type, especially while eating.

Finally, I had a bad day and was still in a bad mood, so when I started to talk to my gf, I was really angry and said things I did not mean. We talked it out though and it's okay.

Goals: I finally cleaned my room! Tomorrow, it's school work day! 8 hours of intense work because I have a lot to do.

Also, thank you guys so much for your comments, it really cheers me up :)

Have a great day/goodnight/good evening!



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As suggested by Mad Pharmacist, I am at day 12, so level 12.

Today was an okay day. Woke up, browsed on reddit for a while, then started my day. I ate, then listened to music while classing school work. I then proceeded to watch a video. Then 2, than 3, and I lost about an hour and a half. I fucked up big time there. I prepared my essay, structured it, and wrote about 100 words. I stopped and went to see my girlfriend after that. Not a very productive day, but still better than nothing.

I am writing this journal and my brother just yelled at my dad upstairs. I don't really know what exactly happened, but I'm pretty sure it's video game related. My (younger) brother still plays whenever he can and is mad when he can't play. My dad tried to restrict his access, but all my brother wants is "the password" (to access the computer). He never stops, just like I did. I basically teached him to play as much as possible, because we would play together when we were younger and I would tell him how to trick my parents to play more. 

The thing is, I was actually fine for a while without studying. He, on the other hand, has trouble concetrating and has comportemental issues. I wanted to make him do the 90 day detox, but he just doesn't want at all. There is no way I can talk him into doing it, he has to want do it by himself.

Goals: Catch up on school work.

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


Edited by PhilLabranche
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Day 13 (lvl 13 on 90):

Today was a normal day. Woke up, went to school, nothing out of the ordinary, except snow. I did not want to play Ultimate Frisbee this morning because I just can't throw a frisbee and I don't like the dynamic of the game, changed to be easier and to fit in the class.

I came home at about 16:30 and procrastinated a little until I had to go see my gf. 

I thought about gaming today. I was seriously thinking about it, but then I went on my first post here on this forum and read my entire journal. I didn't play.

I came back home and now I am going to sleep.

Goals: Catch up on schoolwork, buy some Christmas gifts during the weekend

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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Day 14 (lvl 14 on 90):

To answer your question Cam, I think I could start by reading some of my notes. I actually like the research I have to do, but I am lazy and procrastinated until the last second. I planned to go borrow a book at the library that can help me with my researched. 

I did not have time to write my journal yesterday, so I write it this morning. Not much happenned yesterday.

I woke up, made my bed, then waited to go to school. I worked a little bit on a project, but after a while (an hour or so), I went to school. My tuesday class has always been my favorite. I love working with people who can help me improve. Right after my class, I went to see a play, from 20:00 to 21:45. I came home pretty late and I was tired, so I did not write my journal.

Today, I need to complete my project, which is due tomorrow. I will have about 7 hours to finish it, so that should be enough. 

Goals: Finish my big research and my project, spend less time on my phone (1h30 maximum a day for now, except music.)

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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Day 15 (lvl 15 on 90, 1/6 done)

Today was weird. I had trouble waking up, I was really tired because of yesterday. I ate, wrote my journal and went to school. My class was fine, however I felt so behind because I missed so much for that class even though I catched up on notes for most of the classes I missed. It was hard to understand some concepts, but I furiously took notes and listened as much as possible. After that class, I went back home, where I was supposed to do my research. I started, worked for an hour, stopped for 10 minutes, then 15, 20, etc. I lost track of time and when I looked at my clock, I panicked and worked for another hour. The same thing happenned, I took another break and before I realized it, time catched up on me. I had lost 2 hours singing, watching videos on hockey, electric guitars and a bunch of random stuff that appeared on youtube. I fucked up. I ate, then worked again. I am currently half way through and I worked for about 5 hours total. I am disapointed because I watched videos and wasted time, but I still managed to work, which is something I would not do before.

My motivation is slowly decaying just like it did the first time and I hate it. I never seem to be able to finish something I start. I bet 30$ to my friend that I would complete the 90 day detox and become a better person, so that's a good motivation. I started to read a time travel book that I loved when I was a kid, so it will keep me off my phone when I am going to school.

I want to go sleep, but I still need to work on my project, so I will sleep later.

Goals: Spend 1h30 on my phone a day maximum, write my story ideas down and pursue them.

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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Hello! :)

Nights when I just wanted to go to sleep and also needed to finish my project was a great lesson in my life.

The conclusion to this is:

Sleep > Project

You should be enough discipline to finish your project without lacking of sleep.

Trust me, it possible! I can do that, and this helps me a lot in my life, and even if sometimes situation like that can happen in my life, then I know that I was able to deal with it on a daily, systematic basis.

What advice can I give you?

I think, that you should find place with something called vibe. For example, if you go to the library where everyone else is studying something, and by everyone else I mean 50 people, then you're a weirdo for everyone and for yourself if you won't study!

However, if you study at home for instance then you're a weirdo for yourself when you're studying! :D

I know it could be easier to just sit and study, but this is how we are constructed :)

Wish you best on understanding every academic knowledge!

Mad Pharmacist

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Day 16 (lvl 16 on 90)

Today, I woke up early to finish my project. I finished it, but at the cost of some sleep. I went to school and presented my project. I was always good at talking in front of a class, so I think I did good. After class, I joined my gf and we went shopping for her mom. I ate at her house with her family and we all had a great time. 

We watched tv and hockey and now I will prepare to go to sleep. Tomorrow, I don't have school, so I will be able to go buy some christmas gifts, since there is great deals.

Goals: I wrote one idea I had for a horror story,  I spent 1h17 on my phone, without counting music and texting (for my gf). Pursuing this goal is important. 1h30 maximum on my phone.

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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Day 17 (lvl 17 on 90)

Today was a good day. I woke up, watched some tv with my gf and headed home at about 12 pm. Then, I ate and went shopping with my mom. Had not seen her for like 2-3 weeks, so it was nice. I bought some Christmas gifts. After that, I went at a restaurant to eat with my dad and my step-mom. I came home kinda late and I am now watching a movie before going to sleep.

Tomorrow, I will do my chores and work on an essay. 

Goals: Horror story, restrict phone usage.

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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Day 18 (lvl 18 on 90)

Today was okay. I woke up late, ate and did my chores. I watched a lot of videos tho. I did however wrote my ideas and developped my characters for my horror story. At about 7 pm, I invited 2 friends over to watch the hockey game and it was great. We laughed a lot and had a great time. Now I am heading home and I will go to sleep. Tomorrow, I will have a lot of free time. I am thinking about buying a gym membership. I will buy only one month of membership. Also, I will go ice skating with my friend.

Goals: Go to the gym 1h when I can, continue my story, study for my monday test.

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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Day 19 (lvl 19 on 90)

Oh well, today was not what I was expecting. I woke up, did some Headspace and ate my breakfast. I played some guitar, but I watched quite a lot of animes. I continued to develop my story ideas, I now have a complete description of my characters and I am starting to build up the story body. I did not go to the gym today. The thing is, I do want to work out, but I don't really have money to buy a membership, I looked it up today. Also, I don't really know where to start. I mean, I am tall and skinny and I can barely do more than 10 pushups. I studied a little for my test tomorrow, I think I will do great. I canceled my plans to go ice skating because my gf wanted to see me, she got off work sooner. My friend was okay with it, because he was also about to cancel it. My evening was nice, I spent some time with my gf and her family. Tomorrow will be a busy day. When I get home from school, I will need to clean a little the basement and work on a new project I am supposed to receive tomorrow.

Goals: Get money to buy a 1 month gym membership, continue my story.

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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Hey look at this bw-Routine(https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine). Just skip the Pull-up/Dips part for the beginning. I am tall and skinny too and I was able to build some strength out of consistently doing this 2-3 times a week. It is free and has great explanatory vidos. I think this is a good start to Train especially if you are skinny. Because if you are skinny your risk at bw-excercises is highly reduced (lesser load).

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Day 20 (lvl 20 on 90)

I checked the subreddit and it really does seem great. All the details and help with be awesome. Thank you for telling me about it! :D

Today was okay, I guess. I woke up, ate and went to school. My day was fairly normal and I came back home at about 7pm. I ate and I decided to watch Star Wars. I mean, Tomorrow and wednesday I have 8 hours total of break, during which I will work on a philosophy essay, read a book for my french class (french is my first language) and I will probably work on my text for acting class. There's not much more to say about my day honestly. I did not work out, mainly because I already had a class that was demanding physically. 

Goals: Work on my philosophy essay, get a month membership at my local gym, continue my story.

Have a great day/Goodnight/Good evening!


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