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Recognizing sufficient time on activity


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Hey, I want to start this discussion on how to recognize sufficient time for activity.
Sometimes I spend too much time on relaxing, which leads to procrastination. I feel I'm tired, so I listen to music or watch news. One day it works perfectly, I get to important work after, and sometimes this leads to mindless browsing or binge watching some series, like I'm not really rested after doing it hour, after hour, after hour...
Similar to the example above, I started to think whether I should read less about personal development and take more action. Like, I should flip the ratio; less reading about how people achieve success and more working on applying this to myself. Surely this should be done this way. But how do you recognize how much time you should spend on something to get positive effects from activity, spending as less time on it, as it's possible?

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This is an interesting topic, and I instantly come to think of the quote "Work expands to fill the time available for it's completion".

I can get as much done in an effective 30min as in multiple hours. Like, I can sit 4 hours just randomly drawing, but if I create a gameplan and know what I'm supposed to do (say 20 gesture drawings, 10 hands, 1 portrait), I'll do this and then I'm done, and so I proceed with the next task on the list. 

This might not give me the most improvement in drawing that single day, it but tends to give a more productive day overall. If you're looking for a productivity tool, I recommend time boxing. (You basically put away all distractions, choose a single thing to work on then put the timer on 20-45 minutes. Take a short break, then repeat).

The binge-watching really is a problem for me too sometimes, but I've found that there's two major factors that lead to the binging: internet and the couch. If I let myself crash on the couch with youtube/netflix I might end up staying there for hours and feeling really drowsy afterwards. But if I, on the other hand, sit at the kitchen table reading a book, I won't face the risk of getting stuck (unless it's a brilliant book, but those are seldom found anymore).

Basically, you should split your work into short bursts of effectivity, and always have a clear goal of what you want to achieve that day.

These are things I've concluded from trying and failing quite a few times (I still have a hard time sticking with it though)

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We shouldn't add timers to our activities in search of perfection. For example, we shouldn't read in order to achieve perfection, we should read because we are passionate about those letters and because we are interested in that specific material; perfection is the result of our time spent reading! Same thing applies for drawing, music, etc.

We must find the things that we are passionate about, and follow those roads. Otherwise, if we do something just for the fame and money, we will always have a " meh " in our minds, we will always complain and try to shorten, avoid the very things that we are doing.

You play games because you love what you are doing, you don't usually count the time, you don't say " i will play 20 minutes " because you put passion into it. Same with a true hobby; you lose track of time, and without knowing it: you become better and better.

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