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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Day 1: Hey GQ's, I'm Florian from Germany, a seventeen year old guy, who weights 60 kg. I just uninstalled everything and deleted my accounts. However, my goals for this challenge, rehab, or whatever (you name it) will be to improve my style of writing and my english skills and obiviously quit games. I used to play competetive games like League of Legends and Counterstrike: Global Offensive, because I loved to crush my enemies and completely stomp them into the dust. It deeply satisfied me. I won't play video games ever again, at least I hope so. I played games since I was probably 6 years old. I have begun with handheld games like pokemon. When I was 12, the addiction took completely new scales. I played for hours and started to play League and with 13 I started CS:GO. I hope that's enough for an expostion about my minor self. I would love to hear some critcs about my English. I really need it for my A-Levels. Today I did: Tidied up my roomunstalled everythingMy Goals during this are: to workout everydayto get more self-esteemto motivate myself in a long-termto develope social skills
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